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1992年5月28日,由物资部和上海市政府共同领导的上海金属交易所开业,开业以来运转正常,(?)12月28日,第90个交易日累计交易额已达488(?)。交各种金属293万吨,其中有色金属289万吨,这个数字已大大高于我国有色金属的产量和进出口量。上海金属交易所是一个管理与经营相分离的市场管理和服务机构。它实行会员制,最高权力属于投资各方和会员选举产生的理事会,政府有关部门派员和专家组成监事会。交易所内实行理事会领导下的总裁负责制,下设交易信息、结算、交割、综合5个部.配有电脑、电讯、监视、广播等设施,保证了交易业务高速有效地进行。仅仅7个月,交易所即取得了令人瞩目的成果。一、催化了大市场、大贸易交易所产生4个效应。一是市场聚合效应,交易所现有48家会员都是国内大型、特大型企业,是流通、生产、消费及外贸、金融等行业的代表,它们不仅 On May 28, 1992, the Shanghai Metal Exchange, jointly led by the Ministry of Materials and the Shanghai Municipal Government, opened its business and was operating normally since its opening. On December 28, the cumulative transaction volume on the 90th trading day reached 488 (?) . A total of 2.93 million tons of various metals were delivered, of which 2.89 million tons were non-ferrous metals. This figure has been much higher than the production and import and export volume of China’s non-ferrous metals. Shanghai Metal Exchange is a market management and service organization separated from management and management. It implements a membership system. The highest power belongs to the investment parties and the board of directors elected by the members. The relevant government departments send members and experts to form a board of supervisors. In the exchange, the president responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors is adopted, and transaction information, settlement, delivery, and integration of five departments are provided. Facilities equipped with computers, telecommunications, surveillance, and broadcasting ensure that the transaction business can be conducted in a speedy and efficient manner. In just 7 months, the Exchange has achieved remarkable results. First, it catalyzed four effects produced by big markets and big trade exchanges. The first is the market aggregation effect. The existing 48 members of the Exchange are domestic large-scale and extra-large enterprises. They are representative of the industries of circulation, production, consumption, foreign trade and finance. They are not only