Ecological Reconstruction of the Loess Plateau and Research of Soil Erosion and Dryland Agriculture

来源 :西北植物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyun
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It is a very important aspect of strategies for West China Development and sustainable agriculture and economy in this area to get soil and water conservation well done and to concentrate on the construction of the ecological environment in West China.The main issue of the National Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Agriculture on the Loess Plateau is to deal with soil erosion control and to increase productivity of dryland farming in this area. This laboratory pays its great attention to applied fundamental research and key technologies for the environmental construction and dryland agriculture in the Loess Plateau.Though State and Ministrys projects,together with collaboration with famous research organizations and universities in the world,important progresses have been achieved in mechanics of soil erosion,eroded soil quality,soil water movement and solute transport,biological basis of water-saving agriculture,hydrological effect of a small watershed,and so on. The progresses are very useful and valuable to ecological and environmental construction for West China.The laboratory provides important recommendations to central and local governments for environmental construction and science and technology for soil erosion control and dryland agriculture in the Loess Plateau. It is a very important aspect of strategies for West China Development and sustainable agriculture and economy in this area to get soil and water conservation well done and to concentrate on the construction of the ecological environment in West China. The main issue of the National Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Agriculture on the Loess Plateau is to deal with soil erosion control and to increase productivity of dryland farming in this area. This laboratory pays its great attention to applied fundamental research and key technologies for the environmental construction and dryland agriculture in the Loess Plateau.Though State and Ministry’s projects, together with collaboration with famous research organizations and universities in the world, important progresses have been achieved in mechanics of soil erosion, eroded soil quality, soil water movement and solute transport, biological basis of water- saving agriculture, hydrological effect of a small watershed, and so on. The progresse s are very useful and valuable to ecological and environmental construction for west china.The laboratory provides important recommendations to central and local governments for environmental construction and science and technology for soil erosion control and dryland agriculture in the Loess Plateau.
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