In order to strengthen the ability to resist adjacent channel side-channel interference and improve the selectivity of the receiver, it is beneficial to add a band-filter to the receiver’s high-frequency amplifier. However, in the very high frequency range, the quality factor of the capacitance and inductance of the general concentration parameter element sharply drops, and the band filter with high selectivity and high squareness coefficient can not be manufactured. Piezoelectric crystal resonators, while having a high quality factor, can not be applied to wideband bandpass filters. Therefore, only a new, highly selective, low loss filter for the very high frequency range can only be designed. Spiral filters can now ideally meet this requirement. Our prototype of this spiral filter for siting communication system or other high-frequency broadband receiver can improve the machine’s anti-interference and selectivity. We have initially made this filter, and began to be used in the development of prototype, the laboratory test, good performance, ideal to meet the technical requirements.