Adjuvant treatment in biliary tract cancer: To treat or not to treat?

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaomei52689
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Biliary tract cancer is a rare malignant tumor. There is limited knowledge about biology and natural history of this disease and considerable uncertainty remains regarding its optimal diagnostic and therapeutic man- agement. The role of adjuvant therapy is object of debate and controversy. Although resection is identified as the most effective and the only potentially curative treatment, there is no consensus on the impact of ad- juvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy on the high incidence of disease recurrence and on survival. This is mainly due to the rarity of this disease and the consequent difficulty in performing randomized trials. The only two prospectively controlled trials concluded that adjuvant chemotherapy did not improve survival. Most of the retrospective trials, which had limited sample size and included heterogeneous patients population and non-standardized therapies, suggested a marginal benefit of chemoradiotherapy in reducing locoregional recurrence and an uncertain impact on survival. Welldesigned multi-institutional randomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adjuvant therapy. Two ongoing phase Ⅲ trials may provide relevant information. There is limited knowledge about biology and natural history of this disease and considerable uncertainty remains concerning its optimal diagnostic and therapeutic man- agement. The role of adjuvant therapy is object of debate and controversy. identified as the most effective and the only potentially curative treatment, there is no consensus on the impact of ad-juvant chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy on the high incidence of disease recurrence and on survival. This is mainly due to the rarity of this disease and the consequent difficulty in performing randomized trials. The only two prospectively controlled trials said that adjuvant chemotherapy did not improve survival. Most of the retrospective trials, which had limited sample size and included heterogeneous patients population and non-standardized therapies, suggested a marginal benefit of chemoradiotherapy in reducing locoregional recurrence and an uncertain impact on survival. Welldesigned multi-institutional randomized trials are necessary to clarify the role of adjuvant therapy. Two ongoing phase III trials may provide relevant information.
由于单传感器在导弹的目标识别和跟踪方面存在的固有缺陷,近年来,数据融合技术在这一方面得到广泛地应用和研究。文中提出了在双模( 雷达,红外) 数据融合方案中,结合雷达目标特征的
摘要:自恢复生物高考之后,生物学迅猛的发展一发而不可收拾。而今,生物学朝着人类自身研究和环境保护的方向发展,如克隆、生物制药、人口控制、环境质量和生物多样性等研究方向,都将对社会发展起到积极的促进作用。在我国新课改形势下,高中生物就有了一个深入发展的契机,本文就如何设置高中生物课程来抓住这个契机进行探究。  关键词:高中生物;课程设置;课程现状  高中生物教育的现状是“课程少,授课方式单一”,没有