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  How many times you pop an idea of making a film by yourself but give up at last?How many times you enjoy films but you think you can do better?Then,how many times you are disappointed with those so called “dapian”?
  Quick Flick World (QFW),an organization in nine countries,is coming to China and tries to make every film-fan involved in this interesting industry: make a short film with the people all over the world,and let your film broadcast in the other side of the earth.
  What is QFW?
  QFW is an organization which gives common people a platform to be a short film’s director. Calling itself a “monthly digital video festival”,it is now swapping all over the world.
  “We give a topic to our fans in the world,”said Tung Bi,one of the QFW China,“and there comes the most interesting part of this activity: you shot a same-themed film on your own with people all around the world.”
  “Every month brings something new and unexpected—this festival is very fluid beast and is constantly evolving to carve out a niche in a brave new media world,”said Saint,the founder of QFW,“the best part about the festival are the people making it happen in each city. I found them,and sometimes they found me,but they are all‘shanti’and very cool people to develop this cultural phenomenon with.”
  You don’t need a professional film camera,or you don’t even need a DV: a shotting mobile phone is your weapon. In the first few days members of QFW will discuss together and settle down one topic. Any idea related to this topic,wide or narrow,can be made into a short film from 15 seconds to five minutes.
  Later,“In a party atmosphere,friends,young directors,DJ’s and creative-types connect to screen and share their latest creations relating to global theme they’ve collectively choosen,”said QFW. In the show time,you can watch all the excellent films from different parts of the world. Just imagine your shot film broadcasting in the other side of the world. Wow. You are Steven Spielberg. (Only if your quick flick is as good as others.)
  Saint is the founder of QFW. He told Beijing Today that QFW was born in New York City in April 2001. He and some friends got together and encouraged each other to make short films every month. He was living in Brazil between 2002 to 2004 and introduced the idea to some friends in production there. “The most interesting thing for me was always seeing how Brazilian and American film-makers would see the same subject differently and be inspired by their own cultural foundations,”he said,“I decided to grow that idea to a global scale.”
  QFW in China
  QFW has reached ten cities,including New York, London, Berlin, Mexico City,Barcelona,Sao Paulo,Buenos Aires,Beijing,and Tokyo. It came into China in July this year,with the world’s welcoming theme “Made in China”. As its nineth destination,China brought the QFW a typical Chinese look and spirit,letting more and more people know the deep culture and individual’s idea of Chinese people.
  “People in other countries have a fixed view in China. They think China is a countryside,not so advanced place,just like the film Xiao Wu, or Raise the Red Lantern. However,the case is not like this,”said Tung Bi,“those kind film want be to be outstanding in those international film awards,and the world has a fixed model of Chinese movies. The very important thing is,QFW shows the world another China,modern,advanced,and open-minded.”
  What is QFW spirit?
  Tung Bi emphysied “the spirit of QFW”many times during the interview. However,it is really hard to name the spirit of QFW in a few words.
  “I wish QFW can influence this industry in its own small way,”Saint said to Beijing Today,“QFW can offer two things: first,a unique,global and optimistic platform started By filmmakers FOR filmmakers to encourage artists to develop their craft; second,an insight into other cultures around the world that shows exposes our differences as being shallow and unimportant. We are all human and if we can entertain each other,then that might bring us a bit closer together.”
  Maybe QFW website’s quote is the best description of it: “Pluralism of expression,ideas flowing,a symphony,resonance,the world,themes,life,thoughts,creativity,synapses,looks,ideas,techniques,passion; all giving shape to a movement aimed to spread to a dozen of the world’s creative capitals.”
  How to take part in
  QFW says that no matter you are skillful or not,if you have a camera you can make short films with the people around the world.
  1.Ask the QFW the topic on 18 or 19 every month. If you want to be a constant film maker,you can give your email address to the organizor,they will send you the topics every month regularly.
  2.You have three weeks to make your QF,totally freeform audiovisual work from 0.15 to 4 minutes,which you then submit in the Masterclass,on data-CD,.mov or .avi. Setting: DV/DVC Pro and 48000Khz.
  3.Submit your film to your country’s QFW part on Masterclass about 10 or 11 every month.
  4.Once your QF has been submitted and screened,its uploaded to beam.tv to be voted?for by all the curators and producers from all the QFW cities. If selected,they include you in the following month’s Showcase,which is screened in all the QF cities.
  5.Go to the QFW festival on 17 or 18 every month. The festival will show 17 to 22 excellent quick flicks of the previous month and all of your country’s this-month films.
  6.Ask the QFW the next month’s topic.
  For example,you are asking December’s topic on November 18 or 19. On December 10,you submit your own film. You go to QFW festival on December 17 or 18 to enjoy October’s short films all over the world and November’s Chinese short flicks. If you want to know whether your click is good enough and ranks high in the world’s eyes,you’ll know on the show of January 17 or 18 next year.
[文题]    阅读下面的文字,根据要求写作。  美国亿万富翁查克·费尼创建的慈善基金会20余年来已经捐出40亿美元,他要求基金会在2016年前捐光剩下的40亿美元,但他不让基金会以自己的名字来命名。所有捐献活动几乎也都是匿名进行的。这位76岁的老人当初只给自己留下了不到100万美元的财产,他如今连小汽车也没有,还和妻子挤在旧金山的一套一居室的出租屋里,但他甘之如饴。  2008年雪灾时期。湖南湘
五月份正是雨季来临的时候,湿地里的青草得到了滋润,生长得很茂盛,使得这片湿地看上去一马平川。有一个人要穿过这片“草地”,虽然没有路,但为了能节省些路程便试探着走。虽很艰险,左跨右跳,竟也能找出一段路来,可好景不长,未走多远,不小心一脚踏进烂泥里,沉了下去。  又来了个人要穿过此地,看到前人的脚印,便想:这一定是有人走过,沿着别人的脚印走一定不会有错。用脚试着踏去,果然实实在在,于是便放心走下去。最
时间,是物质存在的一种客观形式。它由过去、现在、未来构成连绵不断的系统。没有人生活在“过去”,也没有人生活在“未来”,“现在”是生命确实占有的唯一形态。在伟大的宇宙空间,人生仅是流星般的闪光;在无限的时间长河里,人生仅仅是微小而又微小的波浪。我们的生命由时间构成,哪怕是浪费一点点时间就是虚掷部分生命。珍惜时间,会使我们变得更聪明、更美好、更成熟、更完善;浪费时间,实际上是荒废了我们的生命。  朱自
一名外地女子将包落在了出租车上,正在犯愁时,出租车司机把包送了回来。看司机没有要走的意思,女子给了司机10元钱。但司机说:“早知道就给10元钱,我就不给送回来了,还不够我油钱呢。”  从道德层面上,这超出了绝大多数人的心理底线。但是,从法律层面上讲,司机归还失物有权利索要报酬吗?司机可以通过什么样的途径得到报酬?  律师说法:《物权法》规定拾金而昧违法,但归还失物有权索取报酬。根据《物权法》第一百
一秘密单位到部队选拔战士从事秘密工作,经过三轮筛选,挑出5个候选人,其中就有技术叫得响、能文能武、立过两次二等功的小辛。可就是这样一个“好苗子”,竟在最后环节——面对特殊情况的反应能力——落选了。  “请问,1+1等于几?”主考官问。  小辛考虑片刻,忽然想到看过的一则故事,赶紧回答:“在陈景润那里,非常复杂;在政治家那里,可以是任意数;在商人那里……”  “敌人追击你,而你面对一个悬崖,你该怎么
鲁迅先生在《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》一文中,认为酒同魏晋时代风貌密切相关,影响了文章且直接进入到文章。其实,不遑魏晋,在酒文化绵远悠长的中国,酒,常常是作家文人不满现实、寻求解脱的麻醉物是激发灵感、勾引文思的催化剂。故翻开中国古代文学作品,与酒相关的名篇佳作可谓俯拾即是。不可胜数。  饮酒,这一普通的日常生活现象,在我国古典小说中的出现亦是不绝如缕。但即便如此,在一些历史、侠义题材的小说里,
原文    太行之阳有盘谷。盘谷之间,泉甘而土肥,草木丛茂,居民鲜少。或日:“谓其环两山之间,故日盘。”或日:“是谷也,宅幽而势阻,隐者之所盘旋。”友人李愿居之。  愿之言日:“人之称大丈夫者,我知之矣。利泽施于人,名声昭于时。坐于庙朝,进退百官,而佐天子出令。其在外,则树旗旄,罗弓矢,武夫前呵,从者塞途,供给之人,各执其物,夹道而疾驰。喜有赏,怒有刑,才唆满前,道古今而誉盛德,入耳而不烦。曲眉丰
NBC fiction drama Heroes hit the US with its several ordinary people with super powers hidden in this normal world,attracting a bunch of fans who believe they are “the same”. Yes,in this fast-food TV
二月是骑着马来的,像个骄傲的公主,蹄踏风声,迫不及待的桃花就要为它盛开。诗人海子把大地和天空打扫干净,生于二月的美丽纷纷握紧拳头,向春暖花开的方向聚集。可二月终究不是公主,在身世的深处,它甚至是被欺负被诅咒的小孩,战战兢兢,沉默地接受。   据说在古罗马时候,所有被判处死刑的人都是在二月接受报应,人们希望这样一个充满罪恶与悲痛的月份快些过去,于是选择扣去它一天,后来,一个叫奥古斯特的罗马皇帝,为了
1.请仔细观察下面漫画,深刻领会其寓意。以“流失”为题。写一篇议论文,不少于800字。    管理学上有一种理论叫“木桶理论”,它的意思是说,一个木桶的容量,不是取决于多数的木板的长度。而是取决于最低的那一块木板的长度。从画面来看,与能源、环境、教育相应的木板都是长而齐的,而由于与公德相关的木板短缺。导致液体外流。联系实际来看,在建设和谐社会的进程中,能源、环境、教育都在一定程度上受到了人们的关注