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  NBC fiction drama Heroes hit the US with its several ordinary people with super powers hidden in this normal world,attracting a bunch of fans who believe they are “the same”. Yes,in this fast-food TV series time,if you don’t have some power to control wind or fire,you are certainly “out”,man!
  Stories from a fire case
  Jeremy Salton,a 24-year IT engineer in Seattle,US,was driving to work in an autumn morning. When he dropped in at a shop for some coffee,suddenly there was a little fire broken out in the kitchen of second floor. Customers were shouting and running from the shop,and some passers-by were standing there and watching. The case was in control before the firemen arrived,and in late TV news,the truth was unveiled: it was a mistake of a careless cook. But,Jeremy didn’t think so. “That was all my fault,”he felt so guilty but he couldn’t tell anyone—yes,he believed he had the power of fire but he couldn’t control it—at least it was true of his pals in the Internet. After he got home late at that night,he opened his MSN group. Yes. There was already a bunch of guys waiting there to scold him.
  “If I were there,I would use my power to control the situation. Though I am not that strong,I can still handle it,”shouted Karren Ann,who believed she could control liquid water. Karren found this secret when she was bathing.
  Nicknamed Schult strongly opposed,“Never do that. You will get hurt as J still couldn’t control his power,and you are in New York,young lady. I can help with my wind.”Schult said once he could see the shape of wind and since then he believed he and the flowing air could be talking to each other.
  Are they crazy?Yes,they all have super powers—at least they themselves believe it. And they are all fans from NBC’s TV series Heroes.
  Heroes hidden in the crowd
  Heroes,the most popular science fiction drama television series,made its premier on NBC on September 25 last year. The show tells the story of several people who thought they were like everyone else,until they realized they have incredible abilities,such as time travel and flight,telepathy,controlling-fire. The main difference between this one and X-man is that these people are living “alive”in this world. They have a normal life,hidden in the crowd,waiting for someone to find them.
  This synopsis is “warm”enough to attract 14.3 million viewers overall in the United States,and received the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in five years. Fans gathered at first on MSN group and YAHOO to discuss how the story goes,but later,they found it would be much more interesting of discussing the situation of “what I should do if I have a certain super power”.
  Jeremy was one of the first few people starting this game online. “I am an IT engineering. Sometimes you can’t help thinking that life is boring... super power gives us a dream,making every detail of life imaginative and colorful.”
  Now there are nearly 80 people in Jeremy online group. They are all white-colored people aged from 22 to 40,working in various fields of the society. They discussed the society’s problems with an attitude of a super power,and even some of them believe they have duty to save the world.
  Hu Chuan,a Chinese student and super power fan,believes he has the power of time traveling. “We all know that we can’t do this. But things we discuss and do give us a platform to realize our dreams. Emotionally. When I found Eden Garden BBS to discuss the super power problems,I suddenly realized there were so many people who are as lonely as me.”
  How to play
  Hu and his Eden Garden online friends gathered together once a month to chat and play games in café. Here is one of their games. It’s a little bit similar to “Murder Case”(a popular Chinese game of finding a murderer by acting detectives). One basic rule is that,having your own reasons. Let’s see an example.
  First,decide the person’s side and his or her special super power.
  Side A
  1. Gana (fire)
  2. Catty (time traveling)
  3. Luo (water)
  4. Crystal lover (regeneration)
  5. Phony (fly)
  6. Sherry (changing face)
  7. Cast (copy other’s power)
  Side B
  1. Hu Chuan (fire)
  2. to-be (forecasting)
  3. Wang (copy other’s power)
  4. Ruobing (freezing)
  5. Stilly (locating one’s position)
  6. Dragon D (water)
  7. JD (controlling)
  Second,killing time. Side A and B attack each other in turn. They can choose either to attack or use his or her power.
  A1 chooses B4 to fight. Rock paper scissors. A1 wins.
  B1 chooses A2 to fight. B1 looses.
  A2 chooses to use her power,turning back time to start. A1 is reborn,but B1 also comes to alive again.
  B2 chooses to forecast A5’s death. A5 must die.
  A3 attacks B1. A3 wins.
  B3 attacks A6. B3 wins and he has A6’s power.
  A4 attacks B5. A4 looses,but he has the power of regeneration,so he is still alive.
  B4 attacks A7. B4 wins.
  A5,A6,and A7 have no right to attack.
  This round comes to an end. Side A looses three persons but Side B only one,so Side B has advantage in this round. However,in the next round,A2 still can turn the time back one step to save the crisis,so the ending is still unknown. One side wins when all people in the other side loose.
  Find super community
  NBC’s website has a special space for super power fans to share their secrets in reality,saying “it’s time to save the world”. (nbc.com/Heroes/)
  It also provides you with the most interesting super power games—of course,not to use your super power,but to analyze,to detect,and to judge by wisdom. You can also create your own Heroes comic book or make your own Heroes music video for a chance to win great Heroes prizes. (nbc.com/Games/)
  For Chinese fans,you can go to Douban to discuss the development and synopsis with other Chinese people. Here gathers the top young analyst,some of whom are even forecasting the exact ending of Season One. Chinese language only. (douban.com/subject/1837856)
  The Eden Garden BBS also sets up a space for fans to discuss what is going to happen and provide some games of role-acting. Chinese language only. (sfile.ydy.com/bbs/thread.php?fid=211)
[文题]    阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。  于丹在《(论语)心得》中引述了一项英国科学家进行的实验。科学家在许多同时生长的南瓜上加上质量不同的砝码,有的几克,有的几十克,有的几百克,有的几千克,其中一个南瓜压得最多,从最初的几克逐步加压,到它成熟时已经加到了几百斤。科学家把这些加压的成熟了的南瓜摘下来,试着用刀把它们剖开,看它们的质地有什么不同。别的南瓜随着手起刀落迎刃而开,而那只承受压力最
过节放长假的时候在国内坐火车,买到了最后一张软席票。一进候车室,发现站着坐着的都是学生模样的人。在欧洲火车的软席车厢里,我还从来没见过一个学生模样的人。其实,我并不是说软席非得什么人坐,但作为还在花父母钱的学生,应该采用最节约的方式去旅行。  我认识一个汉堡的有钱人,从他父亲那一辈起,已经不再需要靠工作赚钱了。18岁那年,他揣着父亲给的极少的费用出门去游欧洲。百万富翁的父亲希望儿子能在外面至少旅行
“满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪”,《红楼梦》是一部浸泪的小说,是世所公认的感人肺腑的一出大悲剧,然而,《红楼梦》中又包含有诸多的喜剧人物和喜剧情节,字里行间常常笑语迭起,笑彩纷呈:或是人物具有喜剧表演的天赋才能,此为幽默的笑;或是人物的言语、举动甚至遭遇颇具滑稽之感,此为讽刺的笑。而在笑过之后,细品文字,我们又不禁深为作者高超的创作才能所折服。    【一】    王熙凤堪称《红楼梦》里天才的单口相声演
[文题]    阅读下面的文字,根据要求写作。  美国亿万富翁查克·费尼创建的慈善基金会20余年来已经捐出40亿美元,他要求基金会在2016年前捐光剩下的40亿美元,但他不让基金会以自己的名字来命名。所有捐献活动几乎也都是匿名进行的。这位76岁的老人当初只给自己留下了不到100万美元的财产,他如今连小汽车也没有,还和妻子挤在旧金山的一套一居室的出租屋里,但他甘之如饴。  2008年雪灾时期。湖南湘
五月份正是雨季来临的时候,湿地里的青草得到了滋润,生长得很茂盛,使得这片湿地看上去一马平川。有一个人要穿过这片“草地”,虽然没有路,但为了能节省些路程便试探着走。虽很艰险,左跨右跳,竟也能找出一段路来,可好景不长,未走多远,不小心一脚踏进烂泥里,沉了下去。  又来了个人要穿过此地,看到前人的脚印,便想:这一定是有人走过,沿着别人的脚印走一定不会有错。用脚试着踏去,果然实实在在,于是便放心走下去。最
时间,是物质存在的一种客观形式。它由过去、现在、未来构成连绵不断的系统。没有人生活在“过去”,也没有人生活在“未来”,“现在”是生命确实占有的唯一形态。在伟大的宇宙空间,人生仅是流星般的闪光;在无限的时间长河里,人生仅仅是微小而又微小的波浪。我们的生命由时间构成,哪怕是浪费一点点时间就是虚掷部分生命。珍惜时间,会使我们变得更聪明、更美好、更成熟、更完善;浪费时间,实际上是荒废了我们的生命。  朱自
一名外地女子将包落在了出租车上,正在犯愁时,出租车司机把包送了回来。看司机没有要走的意思,女子给了司机10元钱。但司机说:“早知道就给10元钱,我就不给送回来了,还不够我油钱呢。”  从道德层面上,这超出了绝大多数人的心理底线。但是,从法律层面上讲,司机归还失物有权利索要报酬吗?司机可以通过什么样的途径得到报酬?  律师说法:《物权法》规定拾金而昧违法,但归还失物有权索取报酬。根据《物权法》第一百
一秘密单位到部队选拔战士从事秘密工作,经过三轮筛选,挑出5个候选人,其中就有技术叫得响、能文能武、立过两次二等功的小辛。可就是这样一个“好苗子”,竟在最后环节——面对特殊情况的反应能力——落选了。  “请问,1+1等于几?”主考官问。  小辛考虑片刻,忽然想到看过的一则故事,赶紧回答:“在陈景润那里,非常复杂;在政治家那里,可以是任意数;在商人那里……”  “敌人追击你,而你面对一个悬崖,你该怎么
鲁迅先生在《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》一文中,认为酒同魏晋时代风貌密切相关,影响了文章且直接进入到文章。其实,不遑魏晋,在酒文化绵远悠长的中国,酒,常常是作家文人不满现实、寻求解脱的麻醉物是激发灵感、勾引文思的催化剂。故翻开中国古代文学作品,与酒相关的名篇佳作可谓俯拾即是。不可胜数。  饮酒,这一普通的日常生活现象,在我国古典小说中的出现亦是不绝如缕。但即便如此,在一些历史、侠义题材的小说里,
原文    太行之阳有盘谷。盘谷之间,泉甘而土肥,草木丛茂,居民鲜少。或日:“谓其环两山之间,故日盘。”或日:“是谷也,宅幽而势阻,隐者之所盘旋。”友人李愿居之。  愿之言日:“人之称大丈夫者,我知之矣。利泽施于人,名声昭于时。坐于庙朝,进退百官,而佐天子出令。其在外,则树旗旄,罗弓矢,武夫前呵,从者塞途,供给之人,各执其物,夹道而疾驰。喜有赏,怒有刑,才唆满前,道古今而誉盛德,入耳而不烦。曲眉丰