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会展经济是第三产业发展到一定阶段后出现的一种新兴的经济形态。会展业发展可以促进商品、技术和信息的交流;促进国家之间、地区之间、企业之间的经济技术合作;促进经济的发展和社会的进步。中国的会展业历经几十年的发展,目前正处在一个承前启后,继往开来的重要时期。 如何从中国会展经济的微量变化中,发现带有方向性的事件和产业趋势?如何立足中国经济大环境并用国际视野观察中国会展产业在2004年这一年来所发生的变化?如何认识中国会展业正面临的诸多问题?如何廓清中国会展业在今后的发展中实现量变到质变的良性发展的思路?2004年12月23日,首届中国会展经济国际合作论坛(以下简称经合论坛)在北京隆重召开,500多位国内外会展业的精英欢聚一堂,他们专业而独到的见解和评析,让所有关注中国会展经济的人们耳目一新,也为我们描绘了中国会展产业的新蓝图。 Convention and Exhibition Economy is a new form of economy that emerges after the development of the tertiary industry to a certain stage. The development of exhibition industry can promote the exchange of goods, technologies and information; promote economic and technological cooperation among countries, regions and enterprises; and promote economic development and social progress. After several decades of development, the convention and exhibition industry in China is now in an important period that has inherited the past and is open to the world. How to find the trend of events and industrial trends from the slight change of China’s convention and exhibition economy? How to set foot in China’s economic environment and observe the changes of China’s convention and exhibition industry during the year 2004 with the international perspective? How to understand the convention and exhibition industry in China Is facing many problems? How to clarify the future development of China’s MICE industry to achieve the qualitative change in the sound development of ideas? December 23, 2004, the first China International Convention and Exhibition Economic Cooperation Forum (hereinafter referred to as EOC) in Beijing grand Held more than 500 elites at home and abroad MICE industry gathered together, their professional and original insights and comments, so that all concerned about China’s convention and exhibition economy refreshing people, but also for us portrayed a new blueprint for China’s convention and exhibition industry.
据《Siemens Review》1990年春报道,西门子研究实验室用InP/InGaAsP材料制成了光信号双向开关.该开关由激光二极管、放大器、检测器和无源光元件等单片集成而成.它将成为光通
教学过程Step1.Warming up What can you see in the picture?(学生自由发言充分热身)These things are about Christmas.It is December.The Christmas is coming soon.I wi