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银纹夜蛾是十字花科蔬菜和豆科作物的主要害虫之一,在我省一年发生3—4代,危害时期主要集中在春末、夏初。防治此害虫过去一直使用化学农药,近年来由于害虫抗药性不断提高,生产上药剂用量也不断增加。不仅增加了生产成本,加重了粮、菜中化学农药的残留量,危害人民的身体健康,还破坏了生态平衡,造成害虫发生更加猖獗。因此,生产上迫切需要寻求防治银纹夜蛾的新途径、新方法。一、银纹夜蛾核多角体病毒的诱发和筛选。不同病毒相互之间具有诱发、增效、拮抗三种作用,尤其是诱发作用比较突出。这种作用的方式是当一种已知的昆虫病毒,感染到另一种昆虫体后,能将后一种昆虫体内潜伏型的病毒诱发出来,使之变为表现型,从而获得新的病毒。我们利用这一作用,于1979年4月在成都市营门口公社草堂大队,以菜粉蝶颗粒体病毒“成都7801”,在田间对银纹夜蛾幼虫进行诱发,使0.3%左右的银纹夜蛾幼虫出现了行动迟缓、食量减退、体 Spodoptera is one of the major pests of cruciferous vegetables and leguminous crops, occurring 3-4 generations a year in our province. The damage period mainly concentrated in the late spring and early summer. In the past, chemical pesticides have been used to control this pest. In recent years, due to the increasing resistance of pests, the amount of pesticide used in production has been continuously increasing. Not only increased production costs, increased grain, vegetables, pesticide residues, endanger the health of the people, but also undermined the ecological balance, causing pests more rampant. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find new ways and new methods for controlling Spodoptera exigua in production. First, Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus induced and screening. Different viruses have evoked, synergistic, antagonistic three roles, especially the more prominent role of induction. The effect of this is that when a known insect virus infects another insect, it can evolve the latent virus in the latter insect into a phenotype to obtain a new virus . Using this effect, we induced the larvae of Spodoptera exigua in the field in April 1979 at the Caotang Brigade, Commune Commune, Chengdu, with the cabbage butterfly granulosis virus “Chengdu 7801”, so that about 0.3% Moth larvae appear slow, loss of appetite, body
【本刊讯】中央音乐学院学生康文婷近日在第1 7届勃拉姆斯国际比赛中,荣获中提琴组第三名。这是一个极其计较音乐演奏风格并水平很高的比赛。这次比赛选手共有4 9名来自不同
华山松(Pinus armandi Franch)是我国西部的重要用材树种。湖北省宜昌地区——各国营林场共引种造林12万亩, 10万亩生长正常,有2万亩先后发生了病害。为了观察华山松的病害
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