
来源 :商品混凝土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanily1123
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混凝土收缩裂缝的控制是长期困扰建筑界的技术难题。笔者在工程实践中对收缩裂缝进行了十多年的应用研究,提出了完美湿养护控制收缩裂缝的新方法,提出了高抗渗防裂的最新抗裂理念,取得了显著的防裂效果。收缩裂缝的形成实际上是应力作用的结果,收缩裂缝的出现表明混凝土硬化不良。本文介绍了以抗裂抗渗为核心的混凝土工程实践创新成果,表达了控制收缩裂缝及提高硬化混凝土质量的若干新理论、新观点和新技术。指出实际施工中,普遍存在放任失水的现象,背离了混凝土正常生长发育的规律,背离了抗裂与抗渗不可分割的辩证关系,是长期以来混凝土工程裂与渗质量通病的根源所在。 The control of shrinkage cracks in concrete is a long-term technical problem that plagues the construction industry. In engineering practice, the author has applied and studied shrinkage cracks for more than ten years, put forward a new method for controlling wet shrinkage and shrinkage cracks, put forward the latest anti-cracking concept with high anti-seepage and crack resistance and achieved significant anti-cracking effect. The formation of shrinkage cracks is actually the result of stress. The appearance of shrinkage cracks indicates that the concrete is poorly cured. This paper introduces the innovative achievements of concrete engineering with anti-cracking and anti-seepage as the core, and presents some new theories, new ideas and new technologies to control shrinkage cracks and improve the quality of hardened concrete. It is pointed out that in practice, the phenomenon of letting go and losing water is ubiquitous, deviating from the law of normal growth and development of concrete, and deviating from the dialectical relationship between crack resistance and impermeability. It is the root cause of cracking and permeation quality of concrete engineering for a long time.
The viscosity of water with copper oxide nanoparticle suspensions was measured using capillary viscometers. The mass fractions of copper oxide nanoparticles
作文水平的提高需要一定的作文训练量。《语文课程标准》规定,每学期作文训练要达到7篇。实际上,要想提高学生的作文水平,作文训练量应远远不止这个数。很多教师知道多写作文能提高学生的写作水平,但苦于难以批改,只得放弃原定的作文训练计划。  传统改法中,教师一人包揽批改,写大量的旁批、尾批,学生可能看一下就塞到抽屉去了;教师为减轻自己的负担,写少量的批语,又总觉得不放心,而且被学生塞进抽屉的速度可能更快。
本文简介脑电地形图的基本原理、方法学、并对它在癫痫病人脑电活动中的应用作一综述。 This article introduces the basic principle and methodology of EEG, and review
汽车抛锚,我走出闷热的车厢,到路边的一棵柳树下歇凉儿。一个卖冰棍儿的少年来到我的面前:“同志,吃冰棍儿吧。” Car broke down, I walked out of the sultry compartmen