
来源 :中国农村金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaraksuper
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我从记事起就崇拜银行从业人员点钞又快又准的精妙手法,希望有一天自己也能加入这个天天与金钱打交道的神秘行业。小时候去外公家,印象最深的是他打算盘的“噼里啪啦”声。外公经常算盘一摆,几摞账本一堆,埋头工作。我们几个表兄妹最怕做账时的外公,为了集中注意力算好账,他坚决不允许我们大声玩乐吵闹。这时,我们都会躲得远远的。所以,小时候我的心里便认为,外公做账是一件神圣不可冒犯的事。有一次,看到外公在全神贯注地敲算盘,我忍不住趴在书桌边,目光随 From the time of my writing, I have admired the exquisite and quick way of counting banknotes by bank practitioners and hoped one day I could join this mystical industry dealing with money every day. When I was a kid, I was deeply impressed with the sound of “crackling” he intended to make. My grandfather often abacus, a pile of books stack, work hard. We cousin and a few cousins ​​afraid to do when the grandfather account, in order to concentrate properly account, he firmly refused to let us play loud noise. At this time, we will hide far away. Therefore, when I was a kid, I thought my grandfather was a sacred non-offensive thing. Once, I saw my grandfather in the preoccupation of the disc, I could not help lying on the desk, eyes with
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德国慕尼黑有家中餐馆,老板是一位没有右手的中年人。  餐馆的生意好得出奇,常常排起长队。生意火爆,是因为这里的招牌菜——葱爆羊肉。说起来,羊肉的做法并不奇特,用的调味料也与其他饭馆大同小异,甚至请的厨师也不是最优秀的。  答案在羊肉上。老板选的是埃米尔史丹羊,这种羊只在阿富汗北部边境地区才有。而因为当地恐怖组织活动频繁,很少有人去那儿买羊肉。十多年来,每次都是老板亲自到阿富汗选购最新鲜的羊肉,而他
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