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我祖祖辈辈居住的村庄,安静地坐落在美丽的鄂中腹地。一条小河从村子里蜿蜒流过,清洌的河水养育着一方百姓,也孕育着一代人的梦想。老张是个农民,但他不是一个纯粹的农民,他读过书,当过兵,在八十年代初走出了这个小山村,又在最喧闹的年月回到了养育他的地方,成了一名人民教师。在我懵懂的记忆里,村子被大山怜惜地搂入怀中。那时的教室,黄色的泥巴裹着稻草,夯实、晒干、垒成墙,再抹上一层均匀的黄泥,也就成了教室。孩子们每天在公鸡高亢的鸣叫声里起床。放过牛,打过猪草,吃罢早 The village where my ancestors lived was quietly located in the heart of the beautiful Hubei. A small river meanders through the village, and the clear water of the river nurtures one of the common people. It also breeds a generation’s dream. Zhang was a farmer, but he was not a pure farmer. He read books, worked as a soldier, stepped out of this small village in the early 1980s, returned to the place where he raised him in the most noisy years, and became a Famous people teachers. In my ignorant memory, the village was pity to hug the mountain. At that time the classroom, the yellow mud wrapped in straw, rammed, dried, barrier into walls, and then coated with a layer of even yellow mud, it has become a classroom. Children get up every day in the roar of cock roar. Let go of cattle, played pig grass, eat stop early
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德国慕尼黑有家中餐馆,老板是一位没有右手的中年人。  餐馆的生意好得出奇,常常排起长队。生意火爆,是因为这里的招牌菜——葱爆羊肉。说起来,羊肉的做法并不奇特,用的调味料也与其他饭馆大同小异,甚至请的厨师也不是最优秀的。  答案在羊肉上。老板选的是埃米尔史丹羊,这种羊只在阿富汗北部边境地区才有。而因为当地恐怖组织活动频繁,很少有人去那儿买羊肉。十多年来,每次都是老板亲自到阿富汗选购最新鲜的羊肉,而他