
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houhao88
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一、全国司法所建设取得明显进展(略)二、明确任务,突出重点,大力推进司法所建设(一)切实加强司法所基础设施建设。司法所的建设,基础设施建设是重点。为了搞好中西部地区司法所规划和建设,今年国家发改委与司法部联合下发了《关于做好中西部地区司法所规划和建设工作的通知》,对中西部地区司法所建设提出了建设规划、建设标准和工作步骤。司法部下发了《关于切实加强中西部地区司法所建设规划和建设工作的意见》,对中西部地区司法所建设 I. Significant progress has been made in the construction of the National Judicial Institute (omitted) II. To clarify the tasks, highlight the key points and vigorously promote the construction of judicial departments (I) To earnestly strengthen the infrastructure construction of the judicial institutes. The establishment of the judicial institute and infrastructure construction are the key points. In order to improve the planning and construction of the judicial administrations in the central and western regions, this year the NDRC and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the “Notice on Doing Well the Planning and Construction of Judicial Work in the Central and Western Regions,” and put forward the construction plan for the construction of judicial institutes in the central and western regions , Building standards and working procedures. The Ministry of Justice issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction, Planning and Construction of Judicial Works in the Central and Western Regions and the Opinions on the Construction of Justice in the Central and Western Regions
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俄罗斯预算法典于1998年7月17日由俄国家杜马通过 ,当日又获俄联邦会议通过。俄总统叶利钦于1998年7月31日签发了预算法典。该法典已于2000年1月1日开始生效。俄罗斯制定并颁布预算法典 ,一是因为
司法部日前出台了《律师事务所收费程序规则》,对律师事务所的收费行为进行了规范。 规则要求,律师不得私自向委托人收取任何费用,律师服务费由律师事务所统一收取。律师事
“当时认为公证处公证后,我的合 法财产一定能得到保障,想不到他们的 所谓具有强制执行效力的债权公证书 成了骗人的鬼话。”当事人薛某气愤地 对记者说。 事情还得从四年前