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  Ancient Underwater Forest Discovered Off Norfolk Coast
  Rob Spray knows the 1)North Norfolk coastline incredibly well. He and his partner, Dawn Watson, have spent years studying the coast under the water. They brought the existence of the world’s largest 2)chalk reef off the coast here to the attention of the world. Now they’ve made a new discovery.
  Rob and Dawn dive off the North Norfolk coast to study reefs and marine life, and what they discovered recently 3)sent shivers down their spines.
  David Whiteley (Reporter): So you found something that said to you, this is, this is incredible.
  Dawn: Yeah.
  David: A bit like 4)finding a needle in a haystack.
  Dawn: Well, yeah! I was really lucky. I just clipped the very end of what we know is there now. If I’d been three or four metres to the right, we’d never have seen it at all. I’d have just come back to…it’s just sand. To start with, I actually thought it was a piece of wreck, because it was, it just looked like a piece of 5)hull. It wasn’t until I had a really close look that I realized it was actually solid wood.
  David: So what did you find?
  Dawn: It’s the remains of a forest, uh, probably oak trees that have been knocked flat, 6)presumably by a 7)outwash from a glacier or something, but this first part we came to was just all compressed together into a, a big solid lump of wood.
  David: What has happened to, to this exposed timber since?
  Rob: Well, as soon as anything so hard is exposed, animal life just rushes to it, so we have lots of little animals moving in and we’ve had…then had big animals come in and feed on them. They’d loved the, the, sort of, the material the trees were made of, and that’s the kind of thing that only happens when you get a new opportunity available for animals. They come in, they colonize, and they flourish.
  This discovery actually forms part of a much bigger picture. A prehistoric land once existed right here in the North Sea. It was so vast the hunter-gatherers who lived here would have been able to walk all the way to Germany. So with every discovery, like these trees, it gives scientists more of an idea of what life would have been like on this mysterious lost land.

  罗布和道恩在北诺福克海岸潜水,研究礁石和海洋生物。他们被最近的发现惊得倒抽了一口凉气。   戴维·怀特利(记者):所以你看到的东西让你意识到……这是个了不起的发现。

  sandbank 沙丘
  sandbar 沙洲
  sandbeach 沙滩
  beach, shore 海滩
  strait 海峡
  isthmus 地峡
  reef 礁石
  sea 海
  high seas, open sea 远海,公海
  ocean 大洋
  inlet 小湾,入海口
  cove 小湾
  bay 湾(比cove大,比gulf小)
  gulf 海湾
  cape 海角
  promontory, headland 海角,岬
  cliff 悬崖
  port, harbour 港
  roadstead 锚地
  tide 潮
  wave 浪
  undertow 回头浪,下层逆流
  ground swell 涌浪,巨涛
  tempest 风暴
  waterspout 海龙卷
  seaquake, tsunami 海啸
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