历史不容颠倒 谎言掩盖不了现实

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一九六五年六月二十六日,毛主席在光辉的“六·二六”指示中,尖锐地批判了当时的卫生部是“城市老爷卫生部”,并且发出了“把医疗卫生工作的重点放到农村去”的伟大号召。毛主席说出了广大人民群众的心里话,受到了无产阶级和劳动人民的热烈拥护。党内最大的不肯改悔的走资派邓小平,对于他过去伙同刘少奇推行反革命修正主义路线这个铁的事实,来了个全盘否定。他故意把毛主席革命路线指引下取得的成就同刘少奇修正主义路线造成的恶果混为一谈,含糊其词地说什么“二十五年来”“是循着”正确路线走的,而根本不讲两条路线斗争,不提文化大革命。邓小平定了调子,卫生界右倾翻案风鼓吹者也大放厥词,说什么“十七年怎么估价不好说,还要研究”,甚至干脆大讲“二十五年来”“取得很大成绩”,“卫生战线也应这样看”。对于这些为“城市老爷卫生部”翻案的修正主义奇谈怪论,必须坚决批判。历史不容颠倒,谎言掩盖不了现实。文化大革命前的旧卫生部,究竟是不是城市老爷卫生部,有目共睹,只要看一看十七年卫生界的状况,就完全够了。文化大革命前刘少奇、邓小平一伙,拒不执行毛主席的无产阶级卫生路线,他们疯狂地反对毛主席、党中央制定的卫生工作方针,推行一条重城市,轻农村,重治疗,轻预防,重专家,轻群众,重西医,轻中 On June 26, 1965, Chairman Mao sharply criticized the then Ministry of Health as the “Urban Master’s Ministry of Health” in the glorious “6.26” directive and issued a speech entitled “Putting Health and Medical Services Focus on rural areas ”of the great call. Chairman Mao has spoken out the truth of the masses and won the warm support of the proletariat and working people. Deng Xiaoping, the biggest capitalist unwilling regret fund-raising party, came to a total denial of the fact that he had worked with Liu Shao-ch’i on the counterrevolutionary revisionist line. He deliberately confused the achievements made under the direction of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line with the evil caused by the revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi and vaguely stated that “in the past 25 years” “follows the correct course,” and does not say two at all. Route struggle, not to mention the Cultural Revolution. Deng Xiaoping set the tone, the health circles rightist overturn the wind advocators also talk nonsense, saying “what is not worth saying 17 years, but also research”, or even simply talk about “25 years” “great achievements”, “health The front should look like this. ” We must resolutely criticize these curious and oddly revised revisionist doctrines that turn over the case of the “Urban Master Health Department.” History can not be reversed, lies can not cover reality. It is evident to all that the old Ministry of Health before the Cultural Revolution was not the city’s master health department. Just looking at the status of the health sector for the past seventeen years would be enough. Before the Cultural Revolution, both Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping refused to implement Chairman Mao’s proletarian line of health. They frantically opposed the guidelines on health work set by Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee and implemented a policy of focusing on urban areas, Experts, light mass, heavy medicine, light in
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