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R.H.托尼在其《中国的土地与劳动力》中对1931年中国农村状况作出这样的描述:“有些地区农村人口的境况,就像一个人长久地站在齐脖深的河水中,只要涌来一阵细浪,就会陷入灭顶之灾。”〔1〕中国面积广大,且多自然灾害,这样的状况已经长久地存在于传统中国。国民政府建立后,在国家政权建设的大背景下,出于预防天灾、补救荒欠、预防匪患等的考虑,开始着手重新建立新的积谷制度,以保障人民基本生存,加强对地方的控制。随着抗日战争的爆发,粮食作为战略物质的地位急剧凸现。国民政府为了加强对粮食的控制与管理,继续实施了一系列建立积谷制度的政令。本文拟从这一时期巴县地区积谷制度的重建与运作入手,窥见国民政府在建立积谷这一社会保障制度方面的努力以及抗日战争对积谷制度运行的影响,借以揭示国民政府对乡镇地方公共权力与公共资源的控制的努力与成效。 In his book Land and Labor in China, RH, Tony described this situation in rural China in 1931: “The situation of the rural population in some areas is like a long time standing in the middle of a river, A small wave, it will fall into disasters. ”[1] China is vast and more natural disasters, such a situation has long existed in traditional China. After the founding of the Kuomintang government, under the background of the building of the state power, for the sake of preventing natural disasters, remedying default and preventing banditry, we started to re-establish a new system of grain and grain so as to safeguard the basic survival of the people and strengthen the control of the localities . With the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the status of food as a strategic substance has been sharply highlighted. In order to strengthen the control and management of grain, the Kuomintang Government continued to implement a series of decrees to establish the system of grain accumulation. This article intends to begin with the reconstruction and operation of the valley accumulation system in Baxian during this period. The author tries to get a glimpse of the national government’s efforts in establishing the social security system of Valley, and the impact of the Anti-Japanese War on the operation of the Valley Gudi system. Local public power and control of public resources efforts and effectiveness.
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1.引言与综述 流体运动的物理学的研究,即本文中的流体物理学,是物理科学的最古老分支之一。尽管它很古老,但它继续以随意选出的一些别致的问题使研究它的人们着迷。我们需