晶体异物是眼内异物致盲原因之一,临床上处理方法不尽一致。晶体异物外伤性白内障以往多行异物与白内障同时摘除,或异物摘除后再二次进行白内障手术,但术后多因单眼无晶体而影响其视力矫正及双眼单视功能。近年来我们在晶体异物及白内障摘除的同时做人工晶体植入。1 临床
Crystal foreign body is one of the causes of intraocular foreign body blindness, clinical treatment methods are not consistent. Crystalline foreign body traumatic cataract In the past many lines of foreign bodies and cataracts removed at the same time, or foreign body after removal of cataract surgery again, but more than a single eye due to non-crystalline affect their vision correction and binocular vision function. In recent years, we have implanted intraocular lens while removing foreign body and cataract. 1 clinical