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一、交通运输对资源和环境的影响非常巨大,在交通运输领域强调可持续发展至关重要 交通运输业对资源的需求量非常巨大,突出表现在以下几个方面:其一,交通运输业对土地的占用量较大。其二,交通运输业是钢材、铝、铜、铅、镍、锌和橡胶等资源的主要使用部门之一,每年生产的各种车辆、轮船、飞机等运输工具消耗着大量的自然资源。其三,交通运输业是能源消耗大户。据统计,世界主要发达国家交通运输业的能耗占国家总能耗的30%左右,且这一比例还在不断增长。各种交通运输工具中,除铁路电力机车外,汽车、飞机、轮船、铁路内燃机 First, the impact of transportation on resources and the environment is huge. Emphasizing the importance of sustainable development in the transportation sector The demand for resources in the transportation industry is huge. The outstanding performance is manifested in the following aspects: First, the transportation industry Land occupies a larger amount. Second, the transportation industry is one of the major departments for the utilization of resources such as steel, aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, zinc and rubber. The annual production of various kinds of vehicles such as ships, ships and aircraft consumes a great deal of natural resources. Third, transportation is a big energy consumer. According to statistics, the energy consumption of the transport industry in the major developed countries in the world accounts for about 30% of the total national energy consumption, and the proportion is still growing. In all kinds of transport vehicles, in addition to railway electric locomotives, automobiles, aircraft, ships, railway internal combustion engines
Introduction The multimodal transport industry is inherently complicated. The very nature of the business makes it so. Internationally, it has developed very r
一、上海城市道路交通概况 上海位于中国长江三角洲的前沿,是中国最重要的工业城市,也是中国重要的经济、金融、贸易、科技、信息和文化中心,在中国的国民经济中占有重要的
6月6日,装配了F135发动机,编号为CF—1的F—35C试飞飞机完成首飞,比原定时间推迟了近半年。除了时间延迟外,项目费用也持续增加。本文对其中的各种原因进行了分析。 On June