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我省有三十五个县与粤,桂、黔、川、鄂、赣六省区接壤,为了搞活边境贸易,沟通省际之间物资交流,促进横向经济联系,特作如下规定:一、各边境县,都要研究制定商业网点发展规划,按照“小型、综合、效益”的原则,力争在二、三年内,分期分批把重要边境集镇的商业、服务网点和集贸市场建设好。省里安排的商业网点贴息贷款和商业简易建筑费,要给边境县适当照顾。边境县每年也要从机动财力中拿出一定资金安排边境商业网点建设。边境县的商业、粮食、供销主管部门,可以局、社为单位,采取有偿使用的形式,适当集中所属企业一部分折旧基金、生产发展基金,用以发展边境商业网点。其资金偿还,属于新建商业网点,从利润中归还;属改扩建商业网点,从新增利润中归还。边境集镇商业网点建设单位缴纳建筑税有困难的,经税务部门批准,可给予适当减免。集贸市场的工商税、市 There are 35 counties in our province bordering Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces and autonomous regions. In order to invigorate the border trade and communicate the materials exchange between the provinces and promote horizontal economic ties, the following special provisions are made: All border counties should study and formulate plans for the development of commercial outlets and follow the principle of “small-scale, comprehensive and effective” to strive to build the commercial, service outlets and markets for bazaars in important border towns in two to three years in batches it is good. Interest subsidies for commercial outlets and simple commercial construction costs arranged in the province should be given proper care to the border counties. Each year, border counties also need to put aside certain funds from the mobile financial resources to arrange the construction of commercial outlets on the border. The commercial, food and supply departments in frontier counties may take the form of paid-for use in the form of paid-for-use and appropriately set aside part of their affiliated enterprises’ depreciation funds and production development funds for the development of border commercial outlets. The repayment of its funds belongs to the newly established commercial network and is returned from the profits. It is a commercial network expansion and renovation project, which is returned from newly added profits. Border town commercial network construction unit to pay construction tax has difficulty, approved by the tax department, may be given appropriate relief. Bazaars of industrial and commercial tax, city
职业发展与着装是相互融合的,所以在着装方面, 遵循一定的规则是完全必要的有点出乎意料的是,来自外围人对蔡剑晖的穿着——“你的着装很职业”这一似乎很中听的评价, 并不让
众所周知,甜菜象虫(Bothynoderes punc-tiventris Germ.)是甜菜苗期毁灭性害虫,由于这一害虫的为害,使石河子地区1959年糖甜菜的生产遭到很大的损失.据不完全统计,毁灭面积