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  摘 要:美国黑人的“桂冠诗人”兰斯顿·休斯是哈勒文艺复兴运动中推动非裔美国文化发展的重要人物。国内外很多学者对他在推动非洲民间文化的过程中所起到的不可缺少的作用以及在美国白人文化主导的社会中黑人低下的社会地位以及他们所受到的不公平待遇进行了大量的讨论。但是,他们几乎没有研究休斯的《我也歌唱美国》中所蕴涵的黑人深切苦楚。为了填补这个方面部分空白,本文将以休斯的《我也歌唱美国》为例从文化研究的角度去探索被歧视的黑人的深切痛楚。
  Langston Hughes is an important figure for the development of African-American cultures in terms of literature, music, theater, art, and politics through his innovative poetry over the Harlem Renaissance, known as the Negro Renaissance and the New Negro Movement and generally considered the first important movement of black artists and writers in the United States. And his poem I, Too, Sing America, carries Hughes’s racialist meditation on the discriminatory position of African-American culture as he writes: “The very fact that Negroes do straighten their hair and try to forget their racial background and makes them different from white people…[1](P:36)”
  As a matter of fact, Hughes has been aware of the importance of African-American culture, which in Turner’s terms, is “in many respects …there could be a literary culture among Blacks [2] (P: 201-210).” For the sake of this, he produces this poem I, Too, Sing America to express his resistance to racialist culture by transforming the bitterness of Negros into humor and irony and interpret the beauty of his own people as he manifests: “we younger Negro artist who create now intend to express our own individual dark-skinned selves without fear or shame… [3](P65-94)”
  And Influenced his great innovative poetry, his profound compassion of the Negroes’ life and his enthusiasm to extend African-American folk culture, many scholars and critics from both aboard and at home have not only discussed much about his indispensable role in promoting it on the basis of some contrast among his works but also made a mention of Negroes’ lower social position as well as their unfair treatment in the sort of American society dominated by whites’ culture through the careful combination of his poetry and the unbearable experience of the Negroes suffer from different perspectives but they have hardly built their study of Negroes’ discriminatory folk culture on a sound and detailed discussion about it in just one of his works. To fill little of the gap of their studies, this paper will take one of his poems, I, Too, Sing America, as an example to make an exploration of the discriminated Negroes’ sound bitterness.
  As for foreign studies upon I, Too, Sing America, most of them has made a great exploration on Hughes’s poetical styles in some of his poems from different perspectives, their innovative findings having inspired a great many scholars but few foreign scholars have made a direct mention of this poem, let alone focusing their studies on the sort of sound bitterness the Negroes suffer. Therefore, this paper cannot but make a relevant review of foreign studies as regards foreign scholars’ current studies of this poem. But for the sake of the limited content to be carried in this research and the relevance to this research, there will be just the studies of three foreign scholars (Rampersad, Brooks and Hitchens) just to be covered as a review both to share their insightful comments, arguments or conclusions and also find out the academic gap left in their studies and the tenable space for this paper.
  As Rampersad mentions this poem in his studies directly, so his studies center on the discussion of the Writer’s descriptive styles in I, Too, Sing America and the closely-knit combination of his poems with his own personal experience and the valuable relevance to the life of Black people. His study mentions (The Life of Langston Hughes, Volume Ⅰ, 1902-1941): “I, Too, Sing America is a sympathetic, yet clear-eyed portrait of one of America’s most controversial writers that also manages to be a sweeping depiction of the black experience in this country and abroad during the first four decades of the 20th century[4](P:1005).” Besides, Rampersad dose not shy away from “the ambiguities and ironies in Hughes’s life: his possible homosexuality… [4](P: 1005)” So to speak, Rampersad’s study covers both the strength and the weakness of Hughes’s life and reveals both the success and the failure of his work equally.
  Unlike the studies of Rampersad, Brooks proposes his opposite views on the Huges’s worries about the quality of his work. He argues that Hughes makes his response to his personal encounter with racism rather his sorrows about his devotion to his poetic craft, with great eager to polish it. In his terms, “Hughes is simply not very vulnerable… [5](P: 7)” Additionally, Brooks’s study also presents to us Hughes’s sound concern for his people as he claims, “America never was America to me…[5](P:9)”due to his intolerance to see the poor situation of his Darker Brother.
  Similar to the situation of that in I, Too, Sing America, Hitchens finds out that Hughes has spent a lot of time in white schools and classes, and has little choice but to bear him-self bravely when subjected to vulgar abuses and discrimination after his intensive reading many of Hughes’s works. In his studies, he learns from Rampersad that Hughes has made a distinct impression with his work Good bye Christ and Good Morning Revolution, as well as his plays on the Scottboro case and other outrages of racialism. To find some evidence in this respect, he quotes from Rampersad “On each of the few occasions in his (Hughes’s) life when his internal pressures proved too great to bear, the cause would be private rather than racial [6] (P: 22).” But Hitchens still argues that there is no evidence that color plays much role in his unhappiness. .
  The analysis and contrast mentioned previously in this paper shows that foreign studies center on Hughes’s individual experience, his innovative poetic styles and the discrimination he writes in his works. But they have made little study of or even made no mention of this poem, I, Too, Sing America let alone the soundness of the Negroes’ bitterness in their mind when discriminated or insulted by whites.
  As far as the exploration on Hughes’s works and humorous poetic language is concerned, a Chinese scholar named Luo Liang-gong, has focused his study on a detailed and penetrative analysis of Hughes’s creating conceptions and art to emphasize the endless efforts and explorations throughout his life by interpreting his humor, which reflects two strategies the Negroes take: the strategy they take for a better life and that to prevent the whites from destroying the eternal and internal environment subservient to their development. The heart of his studies relies on the interpretation of Hughes’s humor, which in Luo’s mind, is the core value of the Negroes’ exclusive psychological mechanism and cultural tradition that they draw from their experience along American continent. In addition to these cultural significance, Luo holds that Hughes’s humor is one the one hand, a bond that links the unbendable fortitude in fighting against whites’ dominant culture to reach his dream of seeking for democracy and liberty to humanity, both the strategic choice he takes to convey his democratic conception and an important approach for him to convey his firm faith of humanity, and on the other hand, a crucial element of Hughes’s literary works [11] (P: 25).
摘 要:新课改提出的三维目标三者互相促进,有机统一。知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观是一个相互联系、相互渗透的整体,是一个完整的人在学习活动中实现素质建构的三个侧面。体现了学生的全面发展、个性发展和终身发展的基本规律。  关键词:新课改;三维目标;高效    教育的新课程改革对教学提出了新的教学目标即三维目标。三维目标包括知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观三个方面。三个方面相互渗透,
教育是人类永恒的主题,纵观古今中外,许多大师就教育问题发表了自己的真知灼见。在这些璀璨夺目的星星中,被誉为“现代民主政体之父,一个新时代的开启者”的卢梭无疑是最独特而又灿烂的那一颗。  假期中,我静下心来细细地翻阅着这本带着淡淡墨香的《爱弥儿》,聆听着来自遥远的十八世纪的声音,心底不由发出这样的疑问:这样一本有着超前的教育理念的书究竟是几百年前的著作吗?书中温暖而又带有生命色彩的文字虽然不是字字珠
摘 要:近年来国际上广泛采用任务型教学法培养学生语言交际能力,许多语言学家对任务型教学做了大量的理论研究并辅以实验论证。本文就任务型教学进行了进一步的探索和分析,并论证了在我国大学英语教学中实施任务型教学的必要性,以期能对我国的大学英语教学改革提供一定的理论基础。  关键词:任务型教学;大学英语教学;语言交际能力;必要性    任务型教学(task-based language teaching,
“情商挑战智商”,人们已经清醒地认识到非智力素质(情商)在人们成功的过程中起着至关重要的作用,那么,在教学中如何培养学生的非智力素质呢?语言教学是培养学生非智力素质的重要途径。中学正是学生心理素质逐渐成长的时期,在这个阶段利用语言教学对学生进行非智力素质培养显得尤为重要。  一、认识非智力素质的作用   “勤能补拙”,“勤”即是一种非智力素质,这句格言是人们对非智力素质功用的高度概括。  科学史上
近年来,我院承担的干部轮训学员越来越多,轮训任务越来越重,干部轮训这种新的人才培养模式对干部学员的管理教育提出了新的挑战,单纯沿袭过去的经验已不能适应新的管理形势,这就要求必须要有新的管理教育模式与之相适应。笔者以为,新形势下,要想搞好干部学员的管理教育,需要把好“四关”。  一是完善送学培训机制,把好“入口”关  空军机关对干部岗位培训作了明确的规定,大部分单位都能够严格执行。笔者在实际工作中发
摘 要:中学阶段正是学生世界观、人生观、价值观形成的重要阶段,也是学生科学世界观、品质和行为养成教育的有利时期。特别是初中生,年龄较小,是非分辨能力不强,容易受环境的影响。政治学科是以培养学生的人文精神、独立个性为目标的重要课程。本文试图探讨在初中政治课的教学中如何有效地进行人文精神培育。  关键词:初中政治教学;人文精神;培育    政治学科作为一门人文学科,有着自身的特点,它以培养人文精神、独
作为一门具有丰富内涵的人文社会科学课程,历史在弘扬和培育民族精神方面,具有鲜明的特点和独特优势。尤其是历史新课程的全面实施,  为在历史教学中大力弘扬和培育民族精神,提供了新的契机。  一、弘扬和培育民族精神和新课程的目标是一致的  在新课程的目标中,让学生对祖国的历史有一个感性的体验,进而对祖国的过去有一个较为准确的了解和把握,并形成对中华民族历史的认同感,确立正确的情感态度与价值观,实际上就是
摘 要:介绍了曝气铁碳微电解法处理废水的作用机理,概述了近l0年来国内外利用铁碳微电解法及其组合工艺对印染、造纸、焦化、炸药、制药等废水处理方面的研究进展及实际的应用状况。提出了铁碳微电解法在运行过程中存在的问题,今后研究工作的方向做了探讨。  关键词:曝气铁碳微电解;废水处理;作用机理;应用现状    铁碳微电解具有使用范围广、工艺简单、处理效果好等特点,尤其对于高盐度,高COD以及色度较高的工
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