合资品牌过热 自主品牌过冷——尹明善透析汽车业自主创新

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尹明善,一个敢于与时间豪赌的传奇商人,早年历经坎坷,被打成右派,坐过牢;改革开放初期,从出版社编辑转为书商,55岁下海;自认为有经商基因,20万元起家,十载奋斗积累了18亿身家,自2000年起,年年跻身《福布斯》中国内地50位富家排行榜;65岁入政坛,任重庆市工商联工商总会会长、重庆市政协副主席;66岁又开始了他职业生涯中的最大冒险——造车。尹明善主导的重庆力帆始终坚持着自主创新和培育自主品牌,这家迅速生长的民营企业,近来从摩托车行业迅速进入了汽车制造业,在竞争激烈的汽车市场,面对“汽车产能过剩”、“自主品牌没有机会”的论调,重庆力帆将如何应对?本刊记者近期采访了重庆力帆集团董事长尹明善。 Yin Mingshan, a legendary businessman who dared to gamble with time, experienced a series of ups and downs in his early years and was labeled as a rightist. He was sentenced to prison in the early reform and opening-up period. He turned 55 from the publishing house to the bookseller. Starting from the Yuan Dynasty, ten years of struggle have accumulated 1.8 billion net worth, since 2000, year after year among the Forbes list of 50 wealthy mainland China; 65-year-old into the political arena, Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce Chamber of Commerce, Chongqing Municipal CPPCC Vice President; 66 years old and began his career’s biggest adventure - making cars. Yin Mingshan led Chongqing Lifan always adhere to independent innovation and foster its own brand, this rapidly growing private enterprises, the motorcycle industry has recently entered the automobile manufacturing industry in the highly competitive automotive market, the face of “overcapacity in automobiles” , “Independent brand has no chance” argument, Chongqing Lifan how to deal with this reporter recently interviewed Chongqing Lifan Group Chairman Yin Mingshan.
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