【摘 要】
A lattice BGK method for nonlinear chemical reactions is described. Since the equation does not possess the convect terms, we can easily get the equilibrium dis
【出 处】
Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation
A lattice BGK method for nonlinear chemical reactions is described. Since the equation does not possess the convect terms, we can easily get the equilibrium distribution functions of the lattice BGK models. Using this model, we consider the scales- ε2 patterns, find two types of pattern: mosaic structure and the Turing pattern.
A lattice BGK method for nonlinear chemical reactions is described. Since the equation does not possess the convect terms, we can easily get the equilibrium distribution functions of the lattice BGK models. Using this model, we consider the scales- ε2 patterns, find two types of pattern: mosaic structure and the Turing pattern.
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