Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 1-(Trifluoromethyl)-1-(propioloyl)-(E)-3-oxo-(2-thienyl)-(2-napht

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The title compound has synthesized and its crystal structure was determined by X-ray analysis. The crystal belongs to monoclinic, space group C2/c with a = 10.413(3), b = 16.080(5), c = 19.188(6) ? b = 94.023(7), V = 3205(2) 3, Z = 8, Dc =1.440 g/cm3, F(000) = 1424, m(MoKa) = 0.238 mm-1, S = 0.896, R = 0.0454 and wR = 0.0998 for 1914 observed reflections with I ≥ 2s(I). In the title compound (C18H12F3NOS), the side-chain carbonyl group, the adjacent double bond and the amine N from 2-naphthylamine are essentially coplanar with the largest deviation from this plane being 0.018(2) ?for atom C(3). The dihedral angle between the mean plane and the thienyl ring is 4.24(3)? A strong intramolecular NH…O hydrogen bond (N…O 2.666(3) ?and NH…O 142(3)) was observed, which leads to an enamine tautomer in the crystal. The title compound has been synthesized and its crystal structure was determined by X-ray analysis. The crystal belongs to monoclinic, space group C2 / c with a = 10.413 (3), b = 16.080 (5), c = 19.188 (6)? B = 94.023 (7) V = 3205 (2) 3 Z = 8 Dc = 1.440 g / cm3 F (000) = 1424 m MoKa = 0.238 mm-1 S = 0.896 R = 0.0454 and wR = 0.0998 for 1914 observed reflections with I ≥ 2s (I). In the title compound (C18H12F3NOS), the side-chain carbonyl group, the adjacent double bond and the amine N from 2-naphthylamine are essentially coplanar with the largest deviation From this plane being 0.018 (2)? for atom C (3). The dihedral angle between the mean plane and the thienyl ring is 4.24 (3)? A strong intramolecular NH ... O hydrogen bond (N ... O 2.666 and NH ... O 142 (3)) was observed, which leads to an enamine tautomer in the crystal.
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