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一个完整的传播过程程包括传者、受者、讯息、媒介、反馈等要素,大众在强调传者的主体作用的同时,往往也不能忽视受者在传播活动中的主体地位。 A complete process of communication includes elements such as transmission, reception, information, media and feedback. The public can not ignore the dominant position of the recipient in the communication while emphasizing the main function of the transmission.
A prototype of a device with an impact structure for measuring the floor tilt has been built in our laboratory.The mechanical construction and the capacitive tr
品种介绍一、中硬8019 来源:8019亲本组合77y·4307/引0904//引0904,由中国农科院作物所选育。特征特性:本市2月下旬播种,3月末出苗。幼苗粗壮直立,叶色葱绿,叶片宽厚,苗期
An effect of invariant transformation in one-dimensional randomly perturbed photonic crystals is presented analytically and numerically. According to this effec
The β-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and β-NQR (nuclear quadrupole resonance) technique and its experimental set-up have been developed for the first time i
We consider the transmission of classical information over a quantum channel by many senders, which is a generalization of the two-sender case. The channel capa
We investigate the sheath structure of an electronegative plasma at steady state with the assumptions of cold positive ions and hot negative ions. The modified
By using the algebraic structure in the operator dual space in the master equation for the driven dissipative harmonic oscillator, we have rewritten the master
Based on an isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model we studied the influence of a medium correction of an isospin-dependent nucleon-nucleon cross sec
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