
来源 :化学传感器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hscyg
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一、前言作为化学量传感器的离子敏场效应晶体管(ISFET),不仅具有离子敏电极(ISE)的特点,而且具有响应快、体积小及全固体化等优点。目前虽已研制出多种 ISFET 器件,但因为器件响应难于达到平衡,时漂和滞后严重,使得测量时误差大、重复性差,读数时间长。为了减少器件的测量误差,本文以实验研究为基础,以器件的响应增量ΔV_0绘制校准曲线,提出了校准曲线的时域标定方法,建立了一种 pH 值快速定时测定方法,使 pH—ISFET 的测量精度和重复性均得到显著改善。 I. INTRODUCTION The ISFET, as a chemical quantity sensor, not only has the characteristics of ion-sensitive electrode (ISE), but also has the advantages of fast response, small volume and full solidification. Although a variety of ISFET devices have been developed, it is difficult to balance the device response, and the time drift and the lag are serious, resulting in large errors in measurement, poor repeatability and long reading time. In order to reduce the measurement error of the device, based on the experimental research, the calibration curve is drawn based on the device response increment ΔV_0. A time-domain calibration method of the calibration curve is proposed, and a rapid pH measurement method is established. The pH-ISFET The measurement accuracy and repeatability are significantly improved.
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