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刚上过Web网吗?它现在是展示各种精美图像的地方;刚看过精彩的演示吗?其效果源于丰富的彩色图像;查看过你的电子邮件吗?其中可能有你刚出生的侄儿的相片或者一份附在备忘录后的新广告宣传画。数字图像真是无处不在。 是你自己处理图像的时候了。怎么做呢?使用扫描仪或数字相机吧。现在,即便是最好的数字相机其价格也只在399美元到1000美元之间,而且大多数平板式彩色扫描仪的售价低于300美元,你甚至可以同时购置这两种设备。但它们是满足不同需求的工具。了解它们的优缺点不仅能帮你选择最适合你的产品,而且还能帮你决定如何使用以及是否一起使用它们。 我们编写了由三个部分组成的数字相机和扫描仪超级指南。在本期发表的第一部分中,我们评测了最新的高分辨率数字相机、廉价和中档平板式扫描仪以及彩色相片打印机。下期,我们将提供如何将这些新型相机和扫描仪应用于商务中的方法。最后,我们将提供高于基本水平的专家技巧,使你进入图像处理专家的行列中。 Have you just been to the Web? It is now a place to showcase a variety of beautiful images; Have you seen a great demo right now? Has its effect come from rich color images; Have you ever seen your emails? Nephew’s picture or a new ad poster attached to the memo. Digital images are ubiquitous. It’s time for you to process the image yourself. What to do? Use a scanner or a digital camera. Even the best digital cameras now cost between $ 399 and $ 1,000, and most flatbed color scanners cost less than $ 300, and you can even purchase both. But they are tools to meet different needs. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses not only helps you choose the product that best suits you, but it also helps you decide how to use it and whether to use it together. We wrote a three-part superb guide to digital cameras and scanners. In the first part of this installment, we reviewed the latest high-resolution digital cameras, cheap and mid-range flatbed scanners, and color photo printers. In the next issue, we will provide ways to apply these new cameras and scanners to business. Finally, we will provide above-the-average expert skills to get you into the ranks of image-processing experts.
The impact of various thicknesses of Al_2O_3 metal-insulator-metal(MIM) capacitors on direct current and radio frequency(RF) characteristics is investigated.For
Using the frequency-domain theory, we investigate the above-threshold ionization(ATI) process of an atom in twocolor laser fields. When both photon energies of
上一期“知识长廊”介绍了内地词语与香港词语的异同,这期接着为您介绍台湾词语,同样新鲜有趣。 The last issue of Knowledge Corridor introduced the similarities and d