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目的对2011—2012年如皋市3 230名0~2岁散居儿童营养状况进行调查,为制订预防措施提供依据。方法 2011年1月—2012年12月系统管理的0~2岁散居儿童3 230名,由经过培训的专业人员测量体重和身高。儿童营养状况分为超重和肥胖、营养不良。数据输入上海微博公司妇幼保健服务信息系统,采用描述性分析。结果 3 230名散居儿童超重患病率为18.17%,1岁患病率最高,为20.43%;肥胖患病率为7.12%,0岁患病率最高,为11.90%;营养不良患病率为0.87%,1岁患病率最高,为1.51%。轻度肥胖患病率为5.91%,0岁患病率最高,为9.66%;中度肥胖患病率为1.11%,0岁患病率最高,为2.09%;重度肥胖患病率为0.09%,0岁患病率最高,为0.14%。低体重患病率为0.15%,0岁患病率最高,为0.22%;生长迟缓患病率为0.40%,1岁患病率最高,为0.80%;消瘦患病率为0.31%,1岁患病率最高,为0.62%。结论肥胖是目前影响散居儿童营养状况的主要问题,预防肥胖是今后儿童保健工作的重点,营养不良虽依然存在,但患病率比较低。 Objective To investigate the nutritional status of 3 230 scattered children aged 0-2 years in Rugao City from 2011 to 2012, and provide the basis for preventive measures. Methods From January 2011 to December 2012, 3 230 decentralized children aged 0-2 were systematically managed and body weight and height were measured by trained professionals. Children’s nutritional status is divided into overweight and obesity, malnutrition. Data input Shanghai Weibo company maternal and child health service information system, using descriptive analysis. Results The prevalence of overweight in 3 230 diasporas was 18.17%, the highest prevalence at 1 year was 20.43%, the prevalence of obesity was 7.12% and the highest prevalence was 11.90% at 0 years. The prevalence of malnutrition was 0.87%, 1-year-old prevalence was the highest, 1.51%. The prevalence of mild obesity was 5.91% and the highest prevalence was 9.66% at 0 years. The prevalence of moderate obesity was 1.11% and the highest prevalence was 2.09% at 0 years. The prevalence of severe obesity was 0.09% , 0-year-old prevalence rate was the highest, 0.14%. The prevalence of low birth weight was 0.15%, the highest prevalence was 0.22% at age 0, the prevalence was 0.40%, the highest prevalence was 0.80% at 1 year, and the prevalence was 0.31% at 1 year The highest prevalence was 0.62%. Conclusion Obesity is the main problem that affects the nutritional status of scattered children. Prevention of obesity is the focus of child health care in the future. Malnutrition still exists but its prevalence is relatively low.
台湾工研院生医所发表全新居家、定点照护、医院用医疗器材,在2010台北国际医疗展中展出1 5项展品,其中,“曲式咽喉直达镜”、“可吸收性温度感应水胶”、“醣化血色素检测套组”及新一代“居家睡眠检测仪”等四项重大技术成果,引人注目。    温感水胶 用药准确非难事    台湾工研院生医所所长邵耀华指出,以往医师用药的瓶颈在于如何准确释放药剂,工研院有鉴医师此一需求,研发出适用的“可吸收性温感水胶”载
【摘要】 纵观世界天然气汽车发展的历史,人们发现加大清洁能源汽车的开发及应用力度,解决由于汽车尾气排放而造成的环境污染,已成为当今世界各国政府、环境问题专家及汽车产业界广泛关注的焦点。针对低碳引领新能源行业再迎发展契机,本文论述了天然气汽车市场给相关企业带来利好,分析了天然气汽车将迎爆发式增长市场的发展势头吸引了中外车商的目光,阐述了政策助推天然气客车成为市场的主旋律,同时指出了天然气汽车的巨大发
A fast authentication mode based on Multi-Block Chaining (MBC) is put forward; and its security is proved. The MBC mode is for new generation block cipher algor