The Ecological Outlook in Gary Snyder’s Poetry

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  【Abstract】Gary Snyder is a shining star across the world’s literature circle in the 20th century. Though plain, his poems manifested Snyder’s profound ecological concepts of respecting nature, inaction, and Ecological holism. These ideas are integrated of ecological viewpoints, which has formed Snyder’s deep ecological philosophy.
  【Key words】Gary Snyder; Respect to Nature; Inaction; Ecological Holism
  Owing to his profound ecological thoughts and engagement in the environmental protection activities, Snyder has gained worldwide fame and has been endowed with the title of “Laureate of Deep Ecology”. Among Snyder’s ecological values, the respect to nature, inaction and ecological holism are the most important concepts, which best manifest the ecological outlook in Snyder’s poetry.
  1. Respect to Nature.
  According to Snyder’s deep ecology thoughts, the respect to nature can be the most fundamental idea. In his eyes, “nature has filled our hearts with trembling respect which has made us grateful and humble.” (Snyder 1969:63) Nature is the subject Snyder has dwelt upon most frequently in his poems and it’s a ceaseless process to fully understand nature. Owing to his respect to nature, Snyder holds a grateful attitude towards it and its unselfish gift presented to human. In his poem “Energy is Eternal Delight”, he stressed that the cycle of water and air is sacred, and nature is the origin of every living thing, thus the energy of nature is the source of our delight.” (Snyder 1999: 254)
  Snyder’s respect to nature can be best shown in his concepts on poem creation. “Riprap”, as the last poem in Snyder’s maiden work Riprap published in 1959, shares the same title with the poems collection, which the poet’s ideas on poem creation through his harmonious interaction with nature. The poem has proved that the poet’s writing source comes from the nature. It also contains the deliberation on the ecological function of poems on human and nature, that is, nature is the source of literary creation. The mission of poets is to combine nature with human soul. In general people’s eyes, nature is the material world and the object of their material desire. And the poets’ work is to reveal the living sense, spiritual charm and divinity connotation of nature, at the same time, transform the poems into a means of communication with nature and spiritual engagement of human soul with nature.   2. Inaction
  Snyder thinks that it is people’s unceasingly increasing pursuit of economic growth that has caused the damage on nature and finally led to the current tension between human and nature. In the article of “Four Changes”, he said, “History has proved again and again that the unceasing economic growth is not a healthy matter, but cancer.” (Snyder 2002: 39) Based on his deep ecological concepts, Snyder advocates inaction to maintain a close-to-nature lifestyle.
  Snyder’s poem “Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout” vividly reveals the principle of inaction. In the poem, “I”, the only figure has stayed in the mountain and enjoyed the simple life there. Once living in the mountain, “I cannot remember things I once read” and “I” only have a few friends, but they all live in the cities. The phenomenon of losing memory about the things before shows the poet’s preference of natural life here. The direct receive of nature’s gift is the real practice of inaction. Tin cups are rough and primitive. They represent the poet’s eagerness to keep close with nature and become totally immersed in it. In this way, people will become innocent, far from the mundane affairs. The closer one maintains with nature, the more na?ve one will be and the easier it is to understand and experience Zen.
  3. Ecological Holism
  In Snyder’s ecological concepts, the most difficult task to do is to make every living thing stay at its place. That is a state of universal harmony. Snyder has regarded himself as the protector of biodiversity and integrity of ecological evolution. “My foothold is the biological diversity and the integrity of ecological evolution on earth…that is also the foothold of poets—son of Muse, singer of reason, people who create colorful and enlightening materials.” (Snyder 1990:30)
  Since the mission of people is to protect the natural world, any living things including trees and wild animals are equally significant as human. Snyder thinks that “to some extent, life has no rank, and the life of rocks and grasses are as beautiful, smart and valuable as the life of Einstein.” (Snyder 1980: 17) In the poem “Pine Tree Tops”, Snyder has pointed out how stupid people are in order to arouse their awareness of ecological wholeness. The poem follows the same pattern with Snyder’s other poems to start with the description of natural images: “blue night”, “frost haze”, “pine tree tops” and “bend-snow”. Blue has a sense of mystery, which aims at showing the miraculous and mysterious nature people seldom know.   Under such circumstance, the sound like creak of boots is heard. Undoubtedly, it was deemed as the sound of human at first. However, there are rabbit tracks and deer tracks left on the ground, which has proved that the sound was not made by human activity but animals. The mistake is what we as human always would make, because we see ourselves as the subject of nature. In fact, we are only a common object. But it’s a pity that we fail to realize it. As a result, the poet sighs at the end of the poem “what do we know”. Apparently, the poet is to awaken people’s sense of ecological wholeness by deliberating the ability and position of themselves.
  Snyder has developed his own deep ecology philosophy. The respect to nature, inaction, and Ecological holism, are the fundamental ideas of Snyder’s ecological concepts, which have strengthened the power and importance of nature and at the same time, have scrutinized the misconception of human.
  [1]Snyder, Gary. Earth House Hold[J]. New York: New Directions, 1969.
  [2]The Gary Snyder Reader: Prose, Poetry and Translation1952-1998 [J].Washington,D. C. Counterpoint,1999.
  [3]The Real Work[J]. New York: A New Directions Book,1980.
  [4]Look Out. A Selection of Writings[J]. New York: New Directions, 2002.
【摘要】英语是全球每个国家都需要使用的一门语言,作为一门跨国际的语言文学,当然需要我们的学习,学好英语对我们有很大的帮助,同时,也能让我们了解更多的西方文化,那如何学好英语也是一大问题,在本文中将会提到关于学习英语的一些小技巧,希望能帮助同学在学英语的路上走得更轻松一些。  【关键词】小学;英语;学习技巧;单词;阅读  【作者简介】孙黎,南京市清水亭学校。  英语是除了汉语以外被广泛使用的语言,当
【摘要】词汇是语言的基本单位。独立学院理工科学生在英语单词的习得上存在较多问题,比如词汇量小、词汇习得策略不明确而导致死记硬背的现象严重,最终影响到他们是否能通过四六级的问题。本文尝试用模因论来指导大学英语词汇教学,主要策略有联想、拆分、语境和重复。  【关键词】大学英语词汇教学;模因论;策略  一、模因论  模因论(Memetics)是一种基于达尔文进化论的观点来解释文化进化规律和传播模式的理论
【摘要】Phonics教學法为英语教学注入了新鲜的血液,给学生的英语学习带来金钥匙,它一改以往传统的单词教学模式,为小学英语教学提供了方便,对提高小学英语词汇教学效果有着深远的意义。  【关键词】Phonics;词汇教学;助手  【作者简介】黄飞云,怀集县梁村镇中心小学。  一、Phonics教学法的概念  Phonics,即自然拼读法(又译自然拼音法)是自然形成的一种发音规则,它主要教授英文字母
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【摘要】新课改背景下小学英语“满堂灌”的教学模式已经无法满足当前教育教学的诉求,应该积极主动地采取措施去进行改善,将课堂的主动权交还给学生。在实现这样的目标过程中,翻转课堂教学模式就是一条很好的路径。本文结合自身小学英语翻转课堂教学经验,对于对应教学模式的内涵和特点进行分析,并且阐述其在小学英语教育教学中运用的价值,在此基础上,结合小学英语教育教学案例,对于实际应用的有效性问题进行归结。  【关键
【摘要】随着全球化的深入,我国企业国际贸易的范围日渐扩大,与周边国家的经贸往来日益加深。英语是我国与各国经贸往来中使用最多的语言,在进行翻译的过程中,翻译人员应全面掌握经贸英语的文体特点,并恰当地使用翻译原则进行经贸英语的翻译,进而促进我国外贸的发展,提高我国的经济地位。  【关键词】经贸英语;文体特征;翻译原则  【作者简介】许小倩(1987.03-),女,汉族,安徽合肥人,安徽出版集团,对外经
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【摘要】在初中教学过程中,英语是一门非常重要的学科,对学生的未来发展具有很大的促进作用,因此,各个初中学校也加大了对英语教学的重视程度,在教学过程中,主动转变观念,积极应用先进教学模式,保证在提升教学有效性的同时,还可以进一步提升学生的英语水平。在这种背景下,本文对小组合作学习在初中英语教学中的应用进行了简单的分析和研究,以期相关人员可以借鑒和采纳。  【关键词】小组合作学习;初中英语教学;应用;