一、当前北京市道路养护机械的装备状况近十年来,一大批具有七、八十年代水平的施工、运输机械不断增加,例如:推土机、平地机、挖掘机、装载机、沥青摊铺机、汽车、翻斗车、顶管机等养护施工机械已成为养护施工中的重要组成部分,北京市政管理处垒处现有机电设备1630台,机电设备的净值为1019万元,有职工1368人。目前,设备管理上存在几个方面的问题; (1) 设备新旧比例差别较大,且更新呈
I. Current Situation of Equipment for Road Maintenance Machinery in Beijing In the past ten years, a large number of construction and transportation machinery with the 1970s and 1980s have been on the increase. For example, bulldozers, graders, excavators, loaders, asphalt pavers, Maintenance and construction machinery such as automobiles, dump trucks and pipe jacking machines have become an important part of conservation and construction. Beijing Municipal Administration Administration currently has 1,630 electromechanical equipment at its basement, with a net value of 10,190,000 yuan for electromechanical equipment and 1,368 workers and workers. At present, there are several aspects of equipment management problems; (1) the proportion of new and old equipment is quite different, and updated