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2008年第58号2003年,国务院关税税则委员会根据商务部反倾销调查结果,决定对原产于欧盟的进口邻苯二酚征收反倾销税,征税时间自2003年8月27日起,期限为5年.在征税期限届满之际,应国内相关企业的申请,商务部决定对原产于欧盟的进口邻苯二酚所适用的反倾销措施进行期终复审调查。国务院关税税则委员会决定,在反倾销措施期终复审调查期间,对原产于欧盟的进口邻苯二酚继续征收反倾销税.现就执行中的有关事项公告如下: No. 58 of 2008, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council decided to impose anti-dumping duties on imported catechols originating in the European Union on the basis of the results of the anti-dumping investigation of the Ministry of Commerce. The tax period starts on August 27, 2003, and the period is 5 At the time of expiry of the tax period, upon the application of relevant domestic companies, the Ministry of Commerce decided to conduct a final review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to imported catechol originating in the European Union. The Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council decided to continue to impose anti-dumping duties on imported catechols originating in the European Union during the period of final review of anti-dumping measures. The relevant matters in execution are hereby announced as follows:
在诸多条件状语从句中,由only if和if only引导的条件从句虽然都可用来表示主句所需要的“条件”概念,但二者在表示说话人的语义意图却有值得注意的差异。本文拟说明如下。1
Write a composition based on the following picture and table. The opening sentence is given and you are required to develop it into a full composition. Your pa
一般英语语法著作只提到where,when,why三个关系副词,没有说that也可以作关系副词。那末,that究竟是否可以作关系副词呢?在讨论这个问题之前,我们先来看一个英语句子: Gene
在英语口语中,我们常常用 not at all,never mind,you are welcome,with pleasure 等表示“没有关系”、“没什么”、“不客气”、“不用谢”、“非常乐意”等。然而,尽管这
国外的老式汽车有两个英文名称:veteran car和vintage car。据Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English的解释,前者用于1916年以前制造的汽车,后者用于1916~1930年间生产
这里的联想词群(association group)是指同一语义联想场中的词汇群。这种词汇群作为词汇纽带衔接篇章中的句与句,其功用不同于关键词、短语的重复;代词的使用;过渡词的使用
阅读英语书刊时,经常会遇到一些形容词和副词的构成形式一样,或者词类相同而构成形式不一样,那么它是形容词还是副词呢?下面谈一谈自己的浅见。 When reading English book