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目的分析哈尔滨市某预防接种门诊狂犬病暴露就诊人群的流行病学状况及处置情况,为提高接种门诊服务质量,预防和控制狂犬病发病,科学合理地制定狂犬病防控措施以及建设狂犬病暴露处置门诊提供参考依据。方法采用描述性研究方法,根据接种门诊统计的2015年登记数据,对狂犬病暴露人群病例的年龄、性别、伤人动物、暴露级别、暴露部位、伤口处理以及预防接种和免疫球蛋白的接种情况等因素进行统计分析。结果 2015年共有5 928例暴露病例,呈常年散发,暴露月份多数在6月;暴露人群年龄以21~30岁居多,占35.79%;伤人动物以犬为主,其次为猫;暴露患者全程接种疫苗的占78.07%;有852人注射了狂犬病免疫球蛋白,占14.37%。结论目前公众对狂犬病暴露后的预防接种意识较强,接种狂犬病疫苗是预防狂犬病的最有效手段;应加强犬类管理和自我防护的宣传教育;开展狂犬病暴露处置门诊建设,提高规范处置率和疫苗接种率尤为重要。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological status and treatment of rabies exposed population in a vaccination outpatient in Harbin City, and to provide reference for improving the quality of vaccination clinic, preventing and controlling the incidence of rabies, developing rabies prevention and control measures scientifically and rationally, and establishing the clinic for exposure treatment of rabies in accordance with. Methods A descriptive study was conducted to determine the age, sex, wounding animal, level of exposure, site of exposure, wound management, vaccination and immunoglobulin inoculation in rabies-exposed population based on 2015 registration data from outpatient clinics Factors for statistical analysis. Results A total of 5 928 cases of exposure were reported in 2015, showing a year-round distribution. Most of the exposed months were in June. The age of the exposed group was mostly 21-30 years old, accounting for 35.79% of the total. The dogs were predominant in cats, followed by cats. Vaccination accounted for 78.07%; 852 people were injected rabies immunoglobulin, accounting for 14.37%. Conclusions At present, the public is more aware of rabies vaccination after vaccination. Vaccination with rabies vaccine is the most effective way to prevent rabies. Publicity and education of dog management and self-protection should be strengthened. Outpatient construction of rabies exposure should be carried out to enhance the standardization of treatment rate and vaccination Vaccination rates are especially important.
目的 分析住院患者常见的心理问题以及产生心理问题的原因,探讨改善患者心理问题的有效措施.方法 对2013年3月-2014年3月1 500例住院患者采用问卷调查及深入访谈相结合的方式
目的 调查评估食品安全国家标准GB7718-2011、GB28050-2011、GB26687-2011、GB19295-2011等在泰州市的执行情况,为标准的修订完善提供依据.方法 设计统一调查表,对320名可能
目的 研究黑龙江省肾综合征出血热(HFRS)患者感染汉坦病毒(HV)的分子特征及其与鼠携带HV的对应关系.方法 从HFRS患者血标本中成功分离到一株HV,编号WCL,对病毒S基因进行扩增