根据中央和自治区的安排,去年对林业厅直属各企事业单位的税收、财务、物价工作,进行了自查和重点抽查。经过各方面的努力,达到了预期的目的和要求。现就查出的问题和今后的工作,提出一些看法,供商榷。 经查直属各企事业单位1987年违纪总额达192万元,与1985年的673万元相比,减少481万元,与1986年的违纪额313万元相比,减少121万元。从总的看,我系统在遵守财经纪律方面正在向好的方面转变。但也必须看到违纪问题的性质和程度也还是严重的。
According to the arrangements of the Central Government and the autonomous regions, last year, self-inspection and spot checks were conducted on the taxation, finance and price of various enterprises and institutions directly under the Forestry Department. After all efforts, the desired goals and requirements have been met. Now on the problems identified and future work, put forward some views for discussion. The investigation directly under the various enterprises and institutions in violation of the total amount of 1,992,000 yuan in 1987, compared with 6,730,000 yuan in 1985, a decrease of 4.81 million yuan, compared with the contravention in 1986 amounted to 3.13 million yuan, a decrease of 1.12 million. Overall, my system is changing in good faith in financial discipline. However, we must also see that the nature and extent of disciplinary problems are still serious.