Media Language and Ways of Reading Newspaper

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  Language is a kind of expression rule of abstract system, and the colloquialism or text formed by the application of language system to speak or write in a certain context is called “discourse”. While the discourse of mass media is the expression way communicated via mass media, the discourse of public news focuses more on the information communication about the process of things happened, which shows strong property of organization in communication.
  The Language and Sign Construction of Media
  The word “media” derives from Latin etymology “medium”, which means “intermediate”. Media refers to the communicating channel of significance between the audience and outside world and the visual and oral construction of media builds the reality it describes, which is related to semiology, that is, how to bring social effects through different languages and signs, such us colors, gestures, pictures, fashions and vocabularies, etc.
  The bidirectional arrow in this model of Semiologist Pierce stresses that, only when the single factor is connected with other two factors, can it be understood. The signs refer to some certain things or events but themselves and are understood by objects, which can have an effect called interpretation on the psychology of objects. No matter the speaker or the audience, the writer or the reader, and the reporter or the audience, are the users of signs. And the interpretation is a psychological concept of sign users, by which activity and creativity are owned by both communicator and receiver (John Fisker,1995).
  Any factor is the communicating carrier of a trinity. It apples news, a typical sign and the unique form (signifiers, i.e. signs) to integrate with the content of the recent and current events(the signified, i.e. interpretation), through the combination of the value evaluations of communicators such as their feelings, attitudes and suggestions to reality, which is then passed to the audience(i.e. object). As the thought of Pierce, signs stand for some certain things or events to every object under some certain situations or conditions. That is to say, it is to create the same sign or a more delicate sign in the mind of objects. The sign created by objects can be called as the interpretation of the original sign, and the thing or event the sign stands for, is the signified one.
  In the newspapers and periodicals, what kind of forms should be adopted to report news? What is the size of title? Should it be stressed or weakened? Details like the arrangement of pictures and charts, their sizes and pages, the forms and styles of reporting writing, people citing the source and the role of organizations, etc., are the signs presented by newspapers and periodicals. The intention of news organizations to code with these signs, is that the reader could decode the meaning of signs. However, though the social environment of readers and the environment assumed by news organizations share similarities, there still exists some differences or even some distinct differences between them. Readers may not be able to accept all the news realities constructed by news signs; they should not totally take them, but to rationally judge them, to supervise them and to give them feedback.   The Producing Process of News in Newspapers
  From the view of semiology, the so-called news production refers to that the media text is produced by intention, and the activities of media is its series of industrial process, the process of encoding-decoding. Most of production is for commercial interests, and mostly the focus of comment on media are to find out how the commercial levels intertwine with each other and how they are strengthened. Besides, sometimes the attention is paid to observing the relative influence of non-profit media with the nature of public service or niche publishing, and sometimes it is paid to the influence of government or organizations on media production.
  Stuart Hall(1980)stressed the transformation process from the source to accepting analysis and interpretation experienced by media information. On the basis of semiology, he assumed all the meaningful “information” are constructed and passed to “the decoder” by “the encoder” from the signs with specified and implied meanings, which is commonly agreed by the sender “encoder”(the news reporter and editor) and the receiver “decoder”(the audience) in the same culture. He stressed the power of text.
  He assumed that communicators encoded the information selectively for the purpose of ideology and receivers would not receive and understand the information of intact, but resisted the influence brought by consciousness through the adaptive or opposite interpretation according to their own experience and views. Different people or different second cultures would usually interpret the world and media information from different social positions.(Denis McQuail
【摘要】新课改的教学理念以学生为本,培养学生的综合实践能力。初一作为承前启后的学习阶段,对于培养学生的英语学习兴趣具有十分重要的作用。因此,如何创新初中英语的入门教学课堂成为众多初中英语工作者关注的焦点。本文从三个方面阐述了改革初中英语入门教学课堂的措施  【关键词】新课标 初中英语 入门教学  随着我国新课改的深入推行,越来越多的英语教师开始关注如何在丰富学生英语知识的同时,提高学生的综合实践能
There are many disputes about the relationship between language and thought. Being a classical theory in the field of linguistics, the relationship between lang
Ernai(the second wife of a married man) is the production of the booming economy society in China. No matter how good life they are living currently, they never
【摘要】英语是国际性语言,随着中国越来越多的参与到世界活动之中,社会和国家对英语人才的需求也越来越大。而中等师范承担着为小学幼儿教育培养合格教师的重要任务,因此对于中等师范英语教学的重要性也就越来越受到重视。笔者主要就如何提高中等师范英语教学的有效性谈一谈自己的看法。  【关键词】中等师范 英语教学 有效性 提高  提高中等师范英语教学的有效性不仅仅是课程改革对我们提出的要求,同时也是社会发展和时
【摘要】新时期下,英语的重要性更加突显出来,为更好的提高英语教学的效果,在教学中采取了许多的教学方法,将教育游戏融入到教学中就是其中较为突出的一种方式,但是在具体的实施过程中应用模式仍旧存在着许多的问题。本文首先对教育游戏具备的主要特征进行分析,然后对教育游戏在小学英语教学中的应用模式进行了探讨和研究,希望能够为小学英语教学提供一定的帮助。  【关键词】教育游戏 小学英语 应用模式  随着世界经济
【摘要】牛津高中英语语篇材料的有效教学研究多种多样,“微”阅读策略可以有效提升学生英语阅读理解能力。同时,“微”阅读方法的可操作性较强,便于学生实际运用。  【关键词】微阅读 阅读策略 语篇特点 阅读过程  牛津高中英语语篇材料的教学研究业已开展多年,不少专家和教师等都纷纷提出了很多语篇材料教学的有效方式和方法,各有特点,有效指导了高中英语课堂教学。笔者依据自身教学实际和教学过程中的策略研究,发现
【摘要】本文结合高职英语教学现状和存在的问题,指出跨文化交际在外语教学中的地位,同时分析了目前我国高职院校英语教学在跨文化交流方面存在的缺失,由此引出了在高职院校英语教学中如何培养学生的跨文化交际能力。  【关键词】跨文化交际 高职英语 文化导入  高职英语教学中跨文化交际的渗透对培养高职学生的英语综合运用能力有着重要作用。因此,在高职英语教学中,既要给学生传授基础语言知识,也要加强学生跨文化交际
【摘要】模糊语的意义获取过程一直是心理学家与语言学家研究的课题。本文从一个全新的语境角度,即从上下文语境和个人语境两方面研究模糊语的意义获取过程。结果发现这两个因素在人们获取模糊语的正确含义的过程中的影响不容小觑。  【关键词】模糊语 语境 意义获取  【Abstract】Lexical ambiguity, particularly meaning access of lexical ambig
【摘要】词汇在语言学习中起了非常重要的作用。它是语言学习的基础,离开了词汇,听、说、读、写等语言交际活动便难以进行。因此,学生在学习词汇时掌握单词的意思,单词的运用,单词的构成和单词的语法是很有必要的;同时,教师也应运用多种教学方法来教词汇。本文就英语词汇学习的重要性及必要性作出几点自己的看法。  【关键词】职业中专 英语词汇 教学方法  随着我国教育格局发生的根本变化,高等教育和高中教育招生规模