Throat amyloidosis is formed by the precipitation of subepithelial amyloid. The disease is quite rare, confirmed mainly based on biopsy. This article reports four cases of throat amyloidosis in the literature to clarify the possible problems in its diagnosis. The onset of the disease is generally 11 to 80 years old, good hair age of 40 to 50 years; gender ratio of 3: 1. Respiratory amyloidosis occurs in the throat of other parts of the 2 times. The main symptoms are hoarseness, difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing. The progress of the disease is generally very slow. Occurred mainly in the glottis area, especially the false vocal cord; Occasionally occurred in the subglottic report. Laryngeal examination without characteristic manifestations, usually a clear, smooth surface of the lumps, but also can be expressed as benign vocal cord polyps, fake vocal cord retention cyst and laryngeal cyst. Amyloid mainly