
来源 :中国物资经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junyuan__zhang
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1992年全国物资工作会议于元月5日~9日在河北省石家庄市召开。各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市和新疆兵团的物资厅(局)长,以及部直属机关、有关部门和特邀单位的300多名代表出席了这次会议。桓玉珊副部长主持了开幕式,柳随年部长在开幕式上作了《深化改革搞好国营物资企业,更好地为生产建设服务》的报告。报告提出今年物资工作的基本任务是:进一步转变观念,深化以转变企业内部机制为重点的改革,强化销售,加强管理,提高效益,壮大实力,搞好国营物资企业,更好地为生产建设服务。报告中强调,今年在做好各项工作的同时,力争在四个方面有所突破:一是搞好转变企业内部机制的改革者;二是大力推广和发展物资配送业务;三是加快生产资料批发市场的建设步伐;四是继续发展物资企业内部以及物资企业与工业、商业、金融部门的联合与协作; The National Material Work Conference in 1992 was held on January 5-9 in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. More than 300 representatives from the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate planning, and the Xinjiang Corps of Materials and Materials, as well as more than 300 representatives of the ministries directly under the Ministry, relevant departments and special invited units attended the meeting. Vice Minister Yan Yushan presided over the opening ceremony. Minister Liu Suinian made a report on “Deepening Reforms to Do Well in State-owned Materials Enterprises and Better Service for Production and Construction” at the opening ceremony. The report proposes that the basic tasks of material work this year are: further change of concepts, deepen reforms that focus on changing the internal mechanism of enterprises, strengthen sales, strengthen management, increase efficiency, strengthen strength, do a good job of state-owned materials companies, and better serve production and construction. . The report emphasized that while doing a good job in this year, it strives to make breakthroughs in four areas: first, to reform the internal mechanism of the enterprise; second, to promote and develop the material distribution business; and third, to speed up the production of materials. The pace of the construction of the wholesale market; Fourth, continue to develop the cooperation and collaboration between material companies and between material companies and industrial, commercial, and financial sectors;
我厂是航空航天部大型骨干企业,是国家电冰箱生产定点厂。我厂的质量管理工作,从1987年TQC达标后,一年上一个新台阶,陆续取得了省、部质量管理奖,并于1989年 Our factory i