新作推介 刘洁

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本真的呈现:刘洁的墨象The Expression of the Real:On LIU Jie’s Works陶咏白TAO Yongbai初见刘洁,她说她16岁就认识我。我纳闷,何时我有过这位小朋友?她告诉我,“文革”年代,她们几个女孩到中央美院附中一位老师家学画,你带着女儿常去的。噢,那时真有个小女孩本来已经下乡插队,为了回城来学画,硬是吃了很多 Originally presented by Liu Jie, Tao Yongbai TAO Yongbai first met her. She said she knew me when she was 16 years old. I wonder when I had this kid? She told me that during the “Cultural Revolution” years, a few of the girls went to study painting at a teacher in the middle school attached to the Central Academy of Fine Arts, often with her daughter. Oh, there was a little girl who had already been going to the countryside for a trip. In order to return to the city to study painting, she just ate a lot
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一、引言 沿海岸各种工程的设计以及对海岸演变过程的了解,要求我们必须知道靠岸水波的能量是如何变化的。很明显,波在进入海滩或浅水域后的能量有赖于它在深水时的能量,而
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