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华北、西北一轻系统第三届财务工作经验交流协作会议,于今年七月三十一日至八月六日在陕西省西安市举行,出席会议的有华北、西北各省市主管厅、局和部分企业主管财务工作的负责同志,还特邀了黑龙江省的代表到会介绍了制糖行业做好经济活动分析,提高经济效益的经验。轻工部财务司郑桂秀同志,陕西省一轻局韩副局长先后为大会致欢迎词,传达了中央领导同志七月中旬在全国整顿企业座谈会上的重要讲话,陕西省一轻局财务处副处长才宝瑞同志最后作了会议总结。会议的主要收获是:相互交流了以整顿企业财务管理,提高经济效益为中心的经验。如天津自行车二厂介绍了贯彻全国工交会议精神,发动全体职工制定全面整顿企业管理,提高经济效益,增收578万元的经验;山西省长冶市工业局、乌鲁木齐市工业局介绍了在整顿企业管理中加强财务管理整 The 3rd Financial Work Experience Exchange Conference for North China and Northwest China was held in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province from July 31st to August 6th this year. The attendees of the meeting were the Offices, Bureaus, and Bureaus of North and North-Western provinces and municipalities. Some responsible comrades responsible for financial work also invited Heilongjiang provincial representatives to the meeting to introduce the sugar industry’s experience in analyzing economic activities and improving economic efficiency. Comrade Cheng Guixiu of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Light Industry, the Deputy Director-General of the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Light Industry, gave a welcome speech for the conference and conveyed the important speech made by the central leadership in communing with the leaders of the Central Government in mid-July. Comrade Zhang Baorui finally made a summary of the meeting. The main achievements of the meeting were: exchanged experiences with rectifying corporate financial management and improving economic efficiency. For instance, Tianjin Biking Plant introduced the spirit of implementing the National Conference on Industry and Commerce, mobilized all employees to formulate a comprehensive rectification of enterprise management, increased economic efficiency, and increased RMB 578 million in experience. The Industrial Bureau of Changye City of Shanxi Province and the Industrial Bureau of Urumqi introduced the rectification of enterprises. Strengthening financial management in management
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Employers in the United States expect to hire almosttwenty percent more college graduates this yearthan last year. So says the National Association ofColleges and Employers.  The group says employers
Pseudo-potential and plane wave basis-set under the framework of density functional theory have been employed to study the electronic and magnetic properties of
若若是一只小蜗牛。一场龙卷风,把它从一壁山岩上扒下来,扬到高空中去了。多么可怕的灾难!它迷迷糊糊地在云里雨里风里飘摇了许久,才跌落下来。不幸的是,它被摔脱了壳。 Ruo
一天上午,一幢大厦的管理员跌跌撞撞地跑进大侦探局报案。原来他到著名作家琼斯家门口收拾垃圾的时候,房里散发出一股难闻的煤气味。他连忙敲门,可是无论他把门敲得再响,里面还是一点声音也没有。  大侦探和探员们探撬开房门后,只见琼斯倒在卧室地板上,满房间都是浓浓的煤气味。经过法医仔细鉴定,确认琼斯是煤气中毒身亡的,死亡时间大约是凌晨一点到三点之间。琼斯身上没有伤痕,门窗也没有被撬过的痕迹。看来,这似乎是一
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