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中共中央总书记、国家主席胡锦涛近日在江西考察工作时强调,各级领导干部要大力发扬我们党的优良革命传统,坚持立党为公、执政为民,切实做好关心群众生产生活的工作,团结带领广大人民群众,不断探索促进协调发展、全面发展、可持续发展的新思路新途径,万众一心地为全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标而奋斗。 8月28日至9月1日,胡锦涛特地前往瑞金、兴国、于都等革命老区,瞻仰了毛泽东同志旧居、红军烈士纪念塔、中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府等革命旧址,还看望了老红军、老干部和老党员代表并同他们亲切交谈。胡锦涛说,回顾我们党在极端艰苦的条件下创建人民军队、开辟革命根据地、建立红色政权的那段峥嵘岁月,我们深深感到,毛泽东同志等老一辈革命家,不仅为实现民族独立、人民解放和国家富强建立了不朽的历史功勋,而且给我们留下了极其宝贵的精神财富。革命前辈们在艰苦卓绝的革命斗争中培育起来的革命精神和优良传统,对我们坚定 During his inspection visit to Jiangxi recently, General Secretary Hu Jintao of the CPC Central Committee emphasized that leading cadres at all levels should vigorously carry forward the excellent revolutionary tradition of our party, adhere to the principle of building the party for the sake of the public and governing for the people, conscientiously do a good job of caring about the production and life of the masses, Unite and lead the broad masses of the people, constantly explore new ways of promoting new ideas and ideas of coordinated development, all-round development and sustainable development so as to strive for the grand goal of building an overall well-to-do society. From August 28 to September 1, Hu Jintao went to the revolutionary old areas such as Ruijin, Xingguo and Yudu and paid tribute to the old ruins of the old residence of Comrade Mao Zedong, the Red Army Martyrs Memorial Tower and the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic. He also visited the old Red Army, Old cadres and members of the old party and cordial conversation with them. Hu Jintao said: Recalling the magnificent years when our party founded the people’s army and opened a revolutionary base under the extremely difficult conditions to establish the red regime, we deeply felt that Comrades Mao Zedong and other older revolutionaries not only realized the goal of national independence and that the people Liberation and prosperity of the country have established immortal historical feats, and have left us with extremely valuable spiritual wealth. The revolutionary spirit and fine traditions cultivated by the revolutionary predecessors in the arduous revolutionary struggles have been firm to us
本文探讨下壁心肌梗塞时围梗塞期传导阻滞的存在与心室晚电位的关系。方法用标准12导联心电图和信息叠加心电图(SAECG)对70例(年龄25~77岁)经临床和心电图证实有 Q 波的下壁
高考生物复习思路应坚持以高考考试说明和大纲能力的要求为出发点,根据高考中题目的立意和表达形式的新变化,加以认真复习,重视培养学生的能力为生物复习的目标。 College e
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本文评述了静脉滴注硝酸酯在急性心肌梗塞中的作用并提出了静脉滴注硝酸甘油治疗AMI的当代观点。 This article reviews the role of intravenous nitrates in acute myocar
应用清栓酶治疗颅脑损伤综合征16例均取得显著疗效,报告如下:一般资料1 病例组成:颅底骨折1例;脑震荡15例。男性12例;女性4例.年龄最小17岁;年龄最大54岁。2 治疗方法:清栓