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强世清(1911——1934)又名强士英,乳名粗娃,陕西省安定(今子长)县栾家坪乡强家湾村人。1927年参加革命,1930年初随谢子长参加兵运,同年经谢子长介绍入党。1931年秋参加晋西游击队,转战陕甘边,参加西北反帝同盟军、陕甘游击队。1932年初回安定,与毕维舟等打死国民党安定县长刘叔明,威震全省。后任陕北红一支队队长,率部两次南下北上,开展武装斗争。1933年11月20日(农历十月初三),在安定县枣树坪战斗中身负重伤,由弟弟强世光(乳名补娃)负责看护,隐蔽养伤。12月15日(农历十月二十八日),由于叛徒出卖,兄弟二人被安定北区民团团总折可达抓捕,押送安定县城监狱。19日,安定县长刘培仁向陕西省政府主席邵力子呈报核示。23日,省府复电要求审讯,录取口供,提出拟办意见,呈报省府审核。刘培仁遂开庭审讯,录取了口供。1934年1月30日,刘培仁再向省政府呈报,拟请处以极刑,获准。3月5日(正月二十日),强世清兄弟被押往安定县城北门外河滩,双双遭到枪杀,英勇就义。3月13日,刘培仁又向省政府呈报了经过。本组文稿即为口供、呈文及批文,系手抄稿,藏陕西省档案馆。强世清是著名革命烈士,陕北武装斗争的旗帜和象征,陕北红一支队主要领导人,陕北游击战争的开创者之一,生前身后影响极大。长期以来,强世清一直受到党史学界的关注,很多学者都进行过研究,写出了一些文章,他的老战友马佩勋、贺吉祥、刘明山等还写过回忆文章。但由于年代久远,资料缺乏,这些文章中讹误不少。因此,这份史料的珍贵性和参考价值自不待言。需要注意的是,这些史料毕竟出自敌人之手,不能排除失实的可能。况且,从强世清的党性、人品及强悍的性格来分析,敌人从他口中得到的,绝不可能全部是真实情况。从维护革命利益,保护同志的角度出发,他可能会给敌人提供一些假情报。因此,读者在阅读这则史料时一定要注意鉴别,引用时更要慎重,尽量用其他佐证史料来参照印证。 Qiang Shi Qing (1911--1934), also known as strong Shingying, nicknamed the thick baby, Shaanxi Province, stability (now child) County Luan Jiaping Township Qiangjiawan village. In 1927 to participate in the revolution, early in 1930 with the participation of military governor Xi Bing, the same year the introduction of the party by the president Xie. In the autumn of 1931, he joined the Shanxi-Guangxi guerrillas, fought in Shaanxi and Gansu, and participated in the anti-imperialist alliance in the northwest and the guerrillas in Shaanxi and Gansu. Back to stability in early 1932, and Bi Weizhou killed KMT Anding County mayor Liu Shuming, Megatron province. He served as captain of Northern Shaanxi Red Detachment, twice led his troops south, to carry out armed struggle. November 20, 1933 (lunar October third day), Anding County jujube Ping battle wounded, severely injured by the younger brother of Shiguang (Mubu Dawa) is responsible for care, hidden recuperation. On December 15 (Lunar New Year, October 28), as a result of the betrayal, the two brothers were arrested and escorted by the liberated North District Civil Regiment for a total sum of money and charged to the Anding County Prison. On the 19th, Liu Peiren, governor of Anding, submitted an inspection report to Shao Lizi, chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Government. On the 23rd, the provincial government asked for a copy of the trial and accepted the confession before submission to the provincial government for approval. Liu Peiren then trial hearing, took the statement. January 30, 1934, Liu Peiren reported to the provincial government, to be sentenced to death, approved. On March 5 (January 20), brothers of Qiang Shi Qing were taken to the floodplain outside the north gate of Anding County, where both were shot and brave. On March 13, Liu Peiren reported to the provincial government again. This set of contributions is confession, submission and approval, Department of handwritten manuscript, possession of Shaanxi Provincial Archives. Qiang Shiqing is a famous revolutionary martyr, the flag and symbol of armed struggle in northern Shaanxi, one of the main leaders of the Northern Red Detachment in northern Shaanxi and one of the pioneers of the guerrilla war in northern Shaanxi. For a long time, Qiang Shiqing has always been the focus of the history of the party history, many scholars have conducted research, wrote some articles, his old comrades Ma Peixun, He Jixiang, Liu Meishan also wrote memoirs. However, due to the age-old, lack of information, a lot of corruption in these articles. Therefore, the historical value and reference value of its own goes without saying. It should be noted that these historical facts, after all, come from the hands of the enemy, can not rule out the possibility of misrepresentation. Moreover, from the perspective of the party spirit, character and powerful character in the Qing Dynasty, it is impossible for the enemy to obtain all the truth from his mouth. From the perspective of safeguarding revolutionary interests and protecting his comrades, he may provide the enemy with some false intelligence. Therefore, when readers read this historical data, they must pay attention to the identification. When using this reference, they should be more cautious and make use of other supporting historical materials for reference.
摘 要:企业融资按照有无中介机构分为直接融资和间接融资。文章介绍了直接融资与间接融资的融资工具和各自优缺点,以及中美风险投资发展差距和现在情况。并且对于各种企业融资策略进行分析。  关键词:企业;融资;风险投资;分析;策略  一、目前我国企业融资面临的问题  企业资金短缺的问题,这不仅对企业产生了较大的负面影响,也关系到宏观经济全局。企业资金短缺问题是阻扰企业发展最直接的障碍。  企业随着规模和资
某企业老板在对其员工的思维能力进行测试时出了这样一道题:某大型企业的员工人数在1 700~1 800之间,这些员工的人数如果被5除余3,如果被7除余4,如果被11除余6。那么,这个企业到底有多少员工?聪明的员工小王略想了一下便说出了答案,请问他是怎么算出来的?