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湖南省人民政府令农水政字第一五四○号一九五一年二月二日湘西行署、各专、县、市:(另抄致长江水利委员会洞庭湖工程处)一、奉中军政委员会一九五○年十一月九日会经字第(0359)号命令:“为适应中南区水利工程之需要,袪除水害,开发水利,划一水利工程留用土地范围,特制定‘中南区水利工程留用土地办法’,经本会第卅次行政会议讨论通过,兹特随令公布,定于本年十一月份起正式执行。仰各级人民政府、各级水利机关以及各有关人等一体遵照并转饬所属遵照执行为要”。二、除办法第九条各项规定应俟本府制定办法呈准后另案饬遵外,兹特随合抄发“中南区水利工程留用土地办法”一份,希即遵照。并转饬所属及各有关部门人等一体遵照执行为要!主席王首道 Hunan Provincial People’s Government to make agriculture and water conservancy government word 5404 February 2, 1951 Xiangxi administrative office, each prefecture, county, city (another copy to the Yangtze River Water Resources Commission Dongting Lake Engineering Office) Military Committee on November 9, 1950 will be the word No. (0359) order: “In order to meet the needs of Zhongnanqu hydraulic engineering, remove water hazards, water development, water conservation projects to retain the scope of the land, special formulation ’ Zhongnan District water conservancy project to retain land ’approach, by the Council’s first session of the Executive Council for discussion and approval, with special promulgation, is scheduled to be officially implemented in November this year, all levels of people’s government, water conservancy agencies and all relevant People, etc., comply with one and turn to comply with the implementation of the order to be ”. Second, in addition to the provisions of Article IX of the provisions of Article 俟 should be the government to develop ways to be allowed after another case 饬 compliance, hereby special with the co-issued “Zhongnan District Water Conservation Land Reserve Scheme,” a follow that. And turn 饬 belong to the relevant departments and other people in accordance with the implementation of the order to be! Chairman Wang first Road
1 临床资料rn患者,男,50岁,某航空公司飞行员,机型为空客320,飞行总时间约18 000 h.2019年3月12日,该员于某民用航空医学中心进行体检时,自诉近期有重度打鼾,睡眠质量可,存在
目的 分析民航飞行员血清尿酸水平与高血压病和高脂血症患病率之间的关系. 方法 本研究采用方便抽样的方法,收集2013年1月至2018年12月在某体检中心进行体检的某航空公司飞行
目的 观察角膜屈光术后民航飞行人员在低压低氧的航空环境暴露后视功能的变化特点. 方法 利用低压氧舱以5 m/s的速度上升至2 438 m高度模拟低压低氧的航空环境,选取角膜屈光
目的 根据甲状腺混合回声结节的超声特征评估恶性风险,随访超声特征的变化,并建议其临床管理指导.方法 收集2018年1月-2019年12月在北京某三级医院行甲状腺结节手术的患者251