
来源 :中国保险管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanqianghuoer
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一、保险业在金融部门中的作用和地位 改革开放20年,中国金融业经历了一个巨变过程。金融资产迅速增长,金融部门在国民经济建设中发挥了巨大的作用。金融工具和金融机构日趋多样化,其中银行机构资产比重日益下降,而非银行金融机构比重正在不断上升。保险业作为金融行业中的一支新生力量,更是引人注目,在国民经济中的作用越来越重要,而且具有强大的发展潜力。 截至1997年底,我国保险系统在银行中存款金额至少超过800亿元,占全国城乡居民储蓄总额的1.73%。而1998年又新增银行存款414.075亿元,使得这一比重达2.27%,增长速度异常惊人。在西方发达国家,保险业与银行业,证券业并称为金融业的三大支柱。虽然目前我国保险市场规模尚嫌不足,未能与银行,证券成鼎足之势,但其发展潜力大,作 First, the role of the insurance industry in the financial sector and status 20 years of reform and opening up, China’s financial industry has undergone a tremendous change. The rapid growth of financial assets, the financial sector in the construction of national economy has played a huge role. Financial instruments and financial institutions are increasingly diversified. The proportion of assets in banking institutions is declining day by day, while the proportion of non-bank financial institutions is on the rise. As a new force in the financial industry, the insurance industry is even more conspicuous. It plays an increasingly important role in the national economy and has great potential for development. By the end of 1997, the deposit amount of our insurance system in the bank had exceeded 80 billion yuan, accounting for 1.73% of the total savings of urban and rural residents nationwide. And in 1998, new bank deposits of 41.4755 billion yuan were added, making the share of 2.27%. The growth rate was unusually staggering. In the western developed countries, the insurance industry, the banking industry, and the securities industry are also called the three pillars of the financial industry. Although the size of China’s insurance market is still not enough, with the bank, securities into a triad trend, but its great potential for development, for
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