
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frgverger343
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Experiencing an acute coronary syndrome(ACS)may provoke a range of negative emotional responses, including acute distress and fear of dying. The frequency of these emotional states has rarely been assessed. This study examined the presence and severity of the fear of dying and acute distress in 184 patients with ACS and analyzed its correlates and consequences. Intense distress and fear of dying was reported by 40 patients(21.7%)and moderate fear and distress by 95 patient s(51.6%). Intense distress and fear was associated with female gender(odds ratio[OR] 2.49, 95%confidence interval[CI] 1.07 to 2.49), lower levels of education (OR 2.44,95%CI 1.02 to 5.87), greater chest pain(OR 5.33, 95%CI 1.40 to 20.4), and emotional upset in the 2 hours before onset of ACS(OR 2.70, 95%CI 1.13 to 6.45). Having no acute distress or fear was more common in patients who exercised regularly(OR 3.32, 95%CI 1.35 to 8.18)and who did not initially attribute the chest pain to cardiac causes(OR 2.67, 95%CI 1.10 to 6.47). No association was found with cardiovascular disease history, objective measures of clinical severity, or with clinical presentation of ACS. Acute distress and fear of dying predicted greater depression and anxiety 1 week after ACS(p=0.006), and elevated levels of depression at 3 months(p=0.009), after adjustment for age, gender, and negative affect. In conclusion, distress and fear during the initial stages of an ACS may trigger subsequent depression and anxiety, thereby promoting poorer progn osis and greater morbidity with time. Experiencing an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) may provoke a range of negative emotional responses, including acute distress and fear of dying. The frequency of these emotional states has rarely been assessed. This study examined the presence and severity of the fear of dying and acute Intense distress and fear of dying was reported by 40 patients (21.7%) and moderate fear and distress by 95 patient s (51.6%). Intense distress and fear was associated with female gender (odds ratio [OR] 2.49, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.07 to 2.49), lower levels of education (OR 2.44, 95% CI 1.02 to 5.87), greater chest pain (OR 5.33, 95% CI 1.40 to 20.4 ), and emotional upset in the 2 hours before onset of ACS (OR 2.70, 95% CI 1.13 to 6.45). Having no acute distress or fear was more common in patients who exercised regularly (OR 3.32, 95% CI 1.35 to 8.18) and who did not initially attribute the chest pain to cardiac causes (OR 2.67, 95% CI 1. 10 to 6.47). No association was found with cardiovascular disease history, objective measures of clinical severity, or with clinical presentation of ACS. Acute distress and fear of dying predicted greater depression and anxiety for 1 week after ACS (p = 0.006), and elevated levels of depression at 3 months (p = 0.009), after adjustment for age, gender, and negative affect. In conclusion, distress and fear during the initial stages of an ACS may trigger subsequent depression and anxiety, thereby promoting poorer prognosis and greater morbidity with time.
评价是一种力量,如果把它用于教学,就演变成一种辅助学生学习的策略;如果把它用于学习,就演变成一种主动学习的力量。学生评价是一种促进学生学习的策略,教师应通过评价,完成有效促进学生学习的教育职责。  一、 对学生的测试成绩要作出正确的评价  测试的成绩是学生在某一特定阶段学习结果的体现。但如果太重视成绩的话,则会忽略学生学习能力的培养,排斥学生获得其它有用的知识。新课程理念要求在教学中注重学生综合能
你对自己喜欢的专业了解吗? 你的分数能够考取理想的高职院校吗? 想听听老师、专家以及在读或已经就业的师兄、师姐们给你的建议吗? 那就请进入—— Do you know your favo
作为一名从教数年的高中英语教师,在与学生朝夕相处的日子里,我常常听到不少学生及家长抱怨说高中英语难学。教师也抱怨高中学生怎么就入不了门,不会学习呢?这个知识点我讲过多少遍了,怎么还不会呢?  在新课标下怎样走出这一困惑,使学生成功地从初中英语学习过渡到高中英语学习,尽快适应高中英语学习的特点与方法,我认为我们英语教师在教学中应该注意以下几点:  一、调节心理,形成习惯  学生从初中到高中,心理上有