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银耳是一种胶质菌类食品,它附木而生,色白如银,长得特别像人的耳朵。中医药学很早就认识到银耳对人体的特殊功效,《本草问答》介绍银耳时说:“性平味甘淡,无毒,……滋阴养胃,润肺生津,和血养颜,补脑强心,治肺热咳嗽、大便下血、妇女月经不调诸症。”《陆川本草》也说:“味甘,性平,润肺滋阴,益气和血,丰肌泽肤。”现代医药学研究也证实了古人对银耳的认识,认定它是珍贵的滋补食品,可增强机体新陈代谢,促进血液循环,改善器官功能,使皮下组织丰满,皮肤滑润洁白,有很好的美容作用。凡阴虚、皮肤干燥、性情急躁的女性,可选用银耳作为主要护肤养颜食品。从使用方法上讲,不外乎内服法和外敷法两种。一、内服法把银耳加工成汤或膏状食品服用。 1、冰糖银耳取银耳(干品)10克,冰糖(打碎)300克。银耳用温水泡透后,摘去根部和杂质,撕成小朵,洗净后装入砂锅内,加清水置旺火上煮沸,再移小火上焖约30分钟,至银耳发软、有粘性时停火,将之分装于碗内。冰糖放入锅中,加清水,旺火煮沸,俟其全部融化时趁热出锅,均匀地浇在盛银耳的碗内,即可食用,日服一小碗。其色白如玉,汤汁香甜,十分可口,是养颜洁肤、补身健体的佳品。 Tremella is a colloidal bacteria food, it is attached to the wood, color white as silver, looks very much like a human ear. Chinese medicine has long recognized the special effect of Tremella on the human body, “Herbal question and answer” Introduction Tremella said: “Sexually sweet, non-toxic, ... ... nourishing the lungs and stomach, lungs fluid, and blood beauty, Bunao Strong heart, cure Hyperactivity cough, stool blood, women’s irregular menstruation Zhuzheng. ”“ Luchuan Materia Medica ”also said:" sweet, flat, lungs and yin, Qi and blood, Feng Ze skin. Modern medical research also confirms the ancients understanding of Tremella, that it is precious nourishing food, can enhance the body metabolism, promote blood circulation, improve organ function, subcutaneous tissue plump, smooth and white skin, has a good cosmetic effect. Where Yin, dry skin, impatient women, white fungus can be used as the main skincare beauty food. Speaking from the use of methods, nothing more than oral administration and topical two. First, the oral administration of Tremella processed into soup or paste food. 1, sugar white fungus Tremella (dry goods) 10 grams, rock sugar (broken) 300 grams. Tremella with warm water soaked, remove the roots and impurities, torn into small pieces, washed into the casserole, add water and stir on the boil, and then move the small fire on the braised about 30 minutes to the white fungus, there are Cease-fire sticky, the sub-installed in the bowl. Add sugar into the pot, add water, stir boil, stir it all while hot pan pan, pour in the bowl of Sheng Tremella evenly, you can eat, served a small bowl. Its color white jade, sweet soup, very delicious, is beauty cleansing, invigorating the fitness of the best.
肺癌是一种常见的恶性肿瘤,迄今 X 线检查仍为肺癌诊断的一种重要手段,在日常工作中我们感到 X 线检查时呈团块或结节表现的病例,重要的问题系假阳性,而其中主要的要排除球
(一) 方法我院从1958年成立时即建立乳腺癌计划治疗组,包括X线诊断、病理、放疗、化疗和外科等单位,对收治入院的每例先根据临床检查在治疗组讨论治疗计划,术后根据病理检查
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