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对上年涉及公司企业的典型案件进行回顾是本刊惯例,同前两年一样,本次仍旧将知识产权案件单独成篇。2007年的知识产权典型案件有以下特点:涉外、涉台港澳知识产权诉讼增多,打假案件范围更广,力度更大;我国企业勇于应对海外企业,依法维权,不乏成功案例:新类型的案件不断出现,一些案件因社会影响面广、涉及多方面经济利益而成为社会关注的焦点;行业类案件集中,如汽车、餐饮服务行业:维权更加注重细节,如瓶贴、包装盒成维权切入点;知识产权行政案件增多;驰名商标司法认定增多……本篇仍旧以商标权纠纷案件、专利权纠纷案件、著作权纠纷案件以及不正当竞争等其他知识产权纠纷案件的顺序对案件进行回顾,所选案件均为至少一审审结案件。囿于作者水平及公开报道资料所限,一些有代表性的案件可能没有收入本篇,是为遗憾。 The review of the typical cases involving corporate enterprises in the previous year is our usual practice. Like the previous two years, this case still divides intellectual property cases into separate articles. The typical case of IPR in 2007 has the following characteristics: the number of IPR litigation involving Taiwan, Hong Kong and Maucao has increased, the scope of counterfeiting cases has been expanded and the crackdown intensified; Chinese enterprises have the courage to deal with overseas enterprises and lawfully defend their rights. There are many successful cases: new types of cases continue Some cases have become the focus of the society due to the wide range of social impacts and various economic interests involved. Cases of industries are concentrated in such cases as the automobile and catering service industries: the rights protection pays more attention to details, such as bottle stickers and packaging boxes, Intellectual property administrative cases increased; well-known trademark judgments increased ... ... This article still with the trademark dispute cases, patent disputes, copyright disputes and unfair competition and other intellectual property disputes in the order of cases of intellectual property disputes are reviewed, the selected case Are at least the first instance to conclude the case. It is a pity that some representative cases may not have income in this section due to the author’s level and the information in public reports.
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人对事物的认识是从感知开始的,审美当然也必须从感知开始。在语文学习中,审美感受力的形成表现为:对色彩、音韵、节奏、结构等形式因素有敏锐感知,更要求以丰富的想象力,把那些静止的文字,转变为鲜明可感的形象,因为“美只能在形象中出现”(黑格尔)。而语文课文大都是审美的精品,储藏丰富多彩、千姿百态的美。而这种美感的发生常常无须旁人诠释、引申、启发、诱导,是由阅读直接领悟,并能引起自身共鸣的。  那么,语文