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春风又暖江南,在万物复苏的气息中,我国的经济增长止住了先前的颓势,开始了强力攀升。竞争性产业“国退民进”的战略调整,中央决策层开发大西部等一系列新举措,都强烈表明中国民营经济的发展适逢一个难得的大好时机。上海工商联的一位权威人士这样描述“民营经济”前景,她说,十五届四中全会特别提到,要大力扶持中小企业,用多种形式扶小带小,从上海的情况看,小企业的概念就是一个非公经济的概念,市领导也一再强调,上海民营经济的发展,要胆子更大,步子更快。从整体发展的状况评判,上海民营经济实力尚弱但有极强的生命力,它对国民经济的贡献度现在还比较小,但潜在的能量正在逐步释放。民企的市场意识本来就非常强,现代的经营观念和管理手段进步得非常快,可以讲,“国退民进”为民营企业的成长提供了难以估量的广阔空间。然而,面对如此机遇,上海民营企业的老板们是如何想的呢?他们在“进”的抉择和“进”的过程中,又碰到哪些头疼的难题,这是政府、也是其他阶层人士关注的焦点之一,本刊记者对此作了专访。“国退民进”:从抢一个面包到烤出更好面包中路集团有限公司董事长陈荣把“国退民进”与“面包”扯在一起,以此来形象阐明“国退民进”对国企与民企的发展是一个共同机遇,他认为这主要表现在三个 As the spring breeze warmed south, in the breath of recovery of all things, China's economic growth stopped its previous weakness and started a strong climb. A series of new measures such as the strategic adjustment of the competitive industries, “exiting the country into the country and advancing to the people”, and the decision of the Central Government to develop the Greater Western Region all strongly indicate that the development of China's private economy coincides with a rare golden opportunity. An authoritative person from the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce described the prospect of “private economy.” She said that the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee made special mention of vigorously supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, Look, the concept of small business is a concept of non-public economy, city leaders have repeatedly stressed that the development of private economy in Shanghai, to be more courageous, faster pace. Judging from the overall development situation, Shanghai's private economy is still weak but has strong vitality. Its contribution to the national economy is still relatively small, but the potential energy is gradually being released. The market awareness of private enterprises has always been very strong, modern management concepts and management progress has been very fast, it can be said, “Guotuiminjinjin ” for the growth of private enterprises provides an immeasurable vast space. However, in the face of such opportunities, how do the employers of private-owned enterprises in Shanghai think? What are the headaches they face in the process of making decisions and advancing into the “in-progress” Is also one of the focal points of other people in the class, our correspondents made an interview. “National withdrawal into the people ”: from grabbing a loaf of bread to bake a better bread Zhong Road Group Co., Ltd. Chairman Chen Rong “national withdrawal of people into ” and “bread ” together, in order to image It is a common opportunity to state that the development of “state-owned enterprises and private enterprises” is a common opportunity for the development of state-owned enterprises and private-owned enterprises. He believes this is mainly manifested in three