Legislation on protection of drinking water sources and local management practices in the Pearl Rive

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robinhohome
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The protection of drinking water sources is vital to urban development and public health.In this study,the current situation of the mandatory protection area for drinking water source in the Pearl River Delta region was investigated using a method combining Google Earth with the field survey.The gaps between management practices and legislation requirements were analyzed.Finally,several countermeasures for water resource protection were proposed as follows:to promote delineation in a more scientific way,to safeguard the sanctity of the law,to make better plan on water saving,and to encourage public participation in supervision and management. The protection of drinking water sources is vital to urban development and public health. In this study, the current situation of the mandatory protection area for drinking water source in the Pearl River Delta region was investigated using a method by Google Earth with the field survey. The gaps between management practices and legislation requirements were analyzed .Finally, several countermeasures for water resource protection were proposed as follows: to promote delineation in a more scientific way, to safeguard the sanctity of the law, to make better plan on water saving, and to encourage public participation in supervision and management.
目的 探讨军队院校这一特殊群体中,入学新生结核感染状况,为院校结核病控制和防治工作提供借鉴.方法 选择2005~ 2010年入校新生6 760人,按城市籍新生和农村籍新生分组,进行结
摘 要 本文主要介绍了差异教学中师生互动的发挥,如何做好教学中实施好“差异”这一环节,如何做到师生互动的一些方法,对于不同层次水平的学生该怎样实施教学、教育。  关键词 差异教育 差异教学 师生互动    “差异教学”是指教师根据学生的心理特点和不同的个性,为满足学生个别学习的需要而采用某种形式或手段进行的教学。其实质是“培优补差”,面向全体学生,使每个学生都得到充分的发展。差异教育和教学、师生互
目的 调查艾滋病合并败血症患者的临床特点和病原体构成.方法 回顾性分析2008年1月~2011年12月收治的44例艾滋病合并败血症患者的临床资料和病原菌分布情况. 结果 44例病人中,
新课标指出:“数学学习活动应当是一个生动活泼的、主动的和富有个性的过程。”这就是说,数学学习活动应是一个充满生命力和自由驰骋的过程。因此,教师在教学中应该充分利用教材内容、通过设置一个生活情境、改变一下学习方式……,积极为学生搭建平台,给他们一个驰骋的空间,让他们尽情地挑战、探究……  一、创设生活情境,搭建挑战平台  陶行知先生曾说:“教育与生活是一个东西,不是两个东西”;“我们深信生活是教育的