
来源 :中国海上油气.地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ergezhi
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中国海洋石油天然气行业标准化技术委员会一届三次会议暨中国海洋石油总公司企业标准化委员会成立大会于1998年6月2日~5日在上海召开.参加会议的有总公司各地区公司、各专业公司、勘探开发研究中心、生产中心、总公司有关各部(厅、室)、中海石油销售公司、华能公司以及国家技术质量监督局、中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油化工集团公司、胜利油田、辽河油田、大港油田和新星石油公司的代表共65人.本次会议的主要议程是:(1)宣布成立总公司企业标准化委员会.调整充实海洋石油行业标准化技术委员会的组成成员;(2)海油标委秘书处汇报总公司1997年标准化工作的进展及1998年标准化工作计划;(3)各单位标准化工作经验交流;(4)讨论并审议《中国海洋石油天然气行业标准化技术委员会章程.《中国海洋石油总公司标准化工作管理条例》和《中国海洋石油天然气行业标准制、修订工作细则》. The 3rd meeting of the China National Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Standardization Technical Committee and the establishment of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation’s Enterprise Standardization Committee were held in Shanghai from June 2nd to 5th, 1998. The companies participating in the meeting were headquartered in various regions, companies and professional companies. , Exploration and Development Research Centers, Production Centers, Relevant Departments (Offices, Offices) of the Head Office, CNOOC Sales Company, Huaneng Corporation, National Technical Quality Supervision Bureau, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Shengli Oilfield, Liaohe Oilfield A total of 65 representatives from Dagang Oilfield and Xinxing Petroleum Co., Ltd. were present. The main agendas of the meeting were: (1) Announced the establishment of a corporate standardization committee of the head office. Adjustment and enrichment of members of the Standardization Technical Committee of the Offshore Oil Industry; (2) COOEC The Secretariat of the Committee reported on the progress of the standardization work of the head office in 1997 and the standardization work plan for 1998; (3) Exchange of experience on the standardization work of various units; (4) Discussed and reviewed the “Constitution of the Standardization Technical Committee of the China Offshore Oil and Gas Industry.” Head Office Standardization Management Regulations and China Sea Oil and gas industry standards and revising work rules. "
<正> 四川省石棉县水电部门利用小水河流域丰沛的水能资源和矿产资源,实行梯级滚动综合开发,效益明显。 小水河是大渡河的一级支流,全长36km,天然落差4100多m,水能资源和矿产
聚乙烯交易清淡 目前,随着高压聚乙烯需求淡季的到来,国内高压聚乙烯市场开始趋于疲软,需求萎缩不振直接导致市场交易清淡。国内各高压聚乙烯生产厂的库存开始持续增高,从而
眼下,河南省数家大型玻璃企业陷入困境,郑州的玻璃经销商却生意兴隆。 从7月1日至今,河南玻璃“老大”——洛阳玻璃集团每天仅售10多架玻璃,尽管派出500多人的销售队伍,仍然
凡到过河南安阳市内黄县井店镇西冯、大冯等十几个村的人,都会看到,到处机声隆隆,炊烟袅袅,各家各户忙于腐竹生产。十几个腐竹专业村在这里涌现。 内黄县井店镇是一个盛产黄