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近几年,随着城乡人们生活水平的提高,韭菜的消费量越来越大.我们县经过试验,利用南北方韭菜品种休眠期长短的差异,采取露地栽培和保护地栽培相结合的生产方式,实现了韭菜周年供应. 生产上常用的韭菜品种可分为两大类.如“嘉兴大白根”和“河南791”等属“南韭”,特点是休眠期短、回根不明显,叶片宽厚、叶簇直立,分蘖能力强、产量较高,纤维少、商品性能好.适宜露地和秋冬季保护地栽培.而“汉中冬韭”、“天津大黄苗”、“张家口马蔺韭”、“北京 In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living standards in urban and rural areas, leek consumption is growing.Our county after trial, using the difference between the length of the dormancy of the leek varieties in the north and south, take the combination of open field cultivation and protected cultivation methods of production , To achieve the annual supply of leeks. Commonly used in the production of chives varieties can be divided into two categories, such as “Jiaxing Dabangen” and “Henan 791” and other belong to “South leek,” characterized by short dormancy, back to the root is not obvious, leaves Wide and thick, leaf clusters upright, strong tillering ability, high yield, less fiber, good product performance, suitable for open field and autumn and winter protected cultivation. “Hanzhong winter leek”, “Tianjin rhubarb seedlings”, “Zhangjiakou iris” "Beijing
笔者养兰多年,也摸索出一些经验。愿介绍给大家,以求切磋、交流。 1.配制培养土将树叶、杂草、垃圾等废物倒入坑内充分腐熟发酵后,堆放约一年时间制成腐叶土。4月初,将腐叶
(一) 台商在汉投资始于1989年。当年10月24日台胞丁雪鸿获准与武汉特种皮鞋厂合资兴办第一家汉台合资企业“武汉昌鸿鞋业有限公司”。截止1998年9月底,我市已累计批准设立台
教学过程板块一:Warming up&Revision热身与复习1.Free talk.T:Today I am very happy to have class with you.I want to be your friends.As you know,my name is Lynne.Wh