Atomic force microscopy investigation of growth process of organic TCNQ aggregates on SiO_2 and mica

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hw565656
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Deposition patterns of tetracyanoquinodimethane(TCNQ) molecules on different surfaces are investigated by atomic force microscopy.A homemade physical vapour deposition system allows the better control of molecule deposition. Taking advantage of this system,we investigate TCNQ thin film growth on both SiO_2 and mica surfaces.It is found that dense island patterns form at a high deposition rate,and a unique seahorse-like pattern forms at a low deposition rate.Growth patterns on different substrates suggest that the fractal pattern formation is dominated by molecule-molecule interaction.Finally,a phenomenal “two-branch” model is proposed to simulate the growth process of the seahorse pattern. Deposition patterns of tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) molecules on different surfaces are investigated by atomic force microscopy. A homemade physical vapor deposition system allows the better control of molecule deposition. Taking advantage of this system, we investigate TCNQ thin film growth on both SiO_2 and mica surfaces .It is found that dense island patterns form at a high deposition rate, and a unique seahorse-like pattern forms at a low deposition rate. Growth patterns on different substrates suggest that the fractal pattern formation is dominated by molecule-molecule interaction. Finaally, a phenomenal “two-branch ” model is proposed to simulate the growth process of the seahorse pattern.
一、村镇建设在生态平衡中的地位由于人类经济活动几乎涉及到地球生物圈的各个部分,人类无时不在改变着生态环境,人是生态环境中的主体,在生态平衡中起着很大的作 First, t
MBA毕业生周宣的创意工作室开办了已有半年,正经的生意没几个,可尽来一些莫名其妙、甚是啼笑皆非的业务。这不,刚一上班,一位衣冠不整,蓬头垢面的老哥就堵上门来。    “您有什么事吗?”   “您是周经理吧,我想请您帮我策划策划。”   “您是做什么的呢?”   “说来惭愧,我以前也是个老板,做生意赔了,房子也抵了,老婆也跑了,干老板多年,除了有点脾气,什么本事也没有,现在只好乞讨为生,不过现在乞讨
武百祥(1879-1966),又名作善,是鸦片战争后中国近代史上著名的民族资本家、企业家、开明人士,他经营的商号,在20世纪上半叶闻名于中国南北各地。 Wu Baixiang (1879-1966),