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在美国,华人餐馆约在16000家左右,“生发酒店”是其中颇有影响的一家。以诚待客生发酒店位于加州首府萨克拉门托市,距州府大厦只有两街之隔。整个酒店用温文而高雅的玫瑰红与苔绿色布置,将色调与质感融成一种令人兴奋协调平和的气氛。店内装饰不少中国艺术精品,包括一套御林军制服,上面绣有龙的图案。店里还有富丽堂皇的屏风、壁雕。入口处置一尊硕大的弥勒佛金像,笑口常开欢迎四方客。最壮观的是一幅4米长的丝幕,色彩艳丽,悬在吧台后面。生发酒店大厅呈现的这一风貌乃是新潮与古典的融合,美国文化与中国文化的合璧。创业46年之久的生发酒店,由一家小餐馆发展成今日规模巨大的酒店,全凭华人实业家邓世发苦心经营。数十年来,邓世发从经营到待人处世,着眼于了解他人,接受他人,积极地服务他人;了解自我,肯定自我,温和地宣扬自我。他经营餐馆,并不亲自掌勺,而其长处在于人事管理与公共关系。他以诚结识天下客,在与加州政要交往中赢得了声誉。他的餐馆成了豪商显贵云集之地,从历届州长、议员、社会名流、富商、游说团体,乃至观光客,莫不以在生发餐馆用餐而为荣。邓世发今年91岁高龄了。早在1984年,邓老喜庆80寿辰之际,加州议会两院通过决议,对他表示衷心地庆贺和良好 In the United States, there are about 16,000 Chinese restaurants around the world, with Genesis Hotel being the most influential one. Sincere hospitality hair hotel is located in the state capital of Sacramento, California, only two streets away from the State House. Placed in a warm and elegant rose and moss green, the hotel blends hue and texture into an exciting and harmonious atmosphere. A lot of Chinese art boutique decoration, including a set of Guilin uniform, embroidered dragon pattern above. The store also magnificent screens, wall carvings. The disposal of a huge statue of the Maitreya Buddha, laughing often welcome the Quartet off. The most spectacular is a 4-meter-long screen, colorful, hanging behind the bar. The appearance of the hotel lobby is the fusion of trendy and classical, the combination of American culture and Chinese culture. Entrepreneurship 46-year-old germinal hotel, developed from a small restaurant into today’s huge hotel, based entirely on Chinese entrepreneur Deng Shizhe painstaking efforts. For decades, Deng Shifa from business to treat others, with a view to understand others, accept others, and actively serve others; self-understanding, self-affirmation, gentle self-promotion. He runs a restaurant and does not personally handle it, but its strength lies in personnel management and public relations. He honestly acquaint himself with the world, won the reputation of his contacts with the state of California. His restaurant has become a gathering place for prosperous rich, from past governors, parliament members, celebrities, wealthy businessmen, lobby groups, and even tourists, can not be proud to eat in the hair restaurant. Deng Shifei is 91 years old this year. As early as 1984, when Deng Lao celebrated 80th birthday, both houses of the California Legislature passed a resolution and sincerely congratulated him and well
本文研究了5-[(邻-硝基苯基)偶氮]-8-氨基喹啉(O-NPAQ)的合成及其与钯(Ⅱ)的显色反应条件。在Triton X-100存在下,pH10.4的Na_2CO_3-NaHCO_3缓冲介质内,试剂与钯(Ⅱ)形成兰紫
1938年3月,侵华日军第二十六师团调集优势兵力对晋北偏关、河曲等地发动大规模进攻。偏关县县长、共产党员梁雷率部在掩护群众和县级机关撤退的过程中,不幸中弹牺牲。 同年5