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唇癌5例临床分析晋中地区第一人民医院(030600)赵守德,崔丽琼唇癌在我院诊断的口腔癌中占20%。本组5例的发病年龄为50~70岁之间,癌灶位于下唇唇红部。5例均为农民,且均有吸烟史,长达30年以上。3例中有1例下唇内侧小包块反复被咬伤,历经数年之久不愈而发生癌变,另有2例有慢性溃疡久不愈合。病理分类:5例均为鳞癌,多数癌细胞分化良好。讨论唇癌的致病因素,多数学者认为口唇长期暴露于日光的照射下,且与慢性机械性刺激有关。本组5例均有吸烟及慢性炎症的刺激史,且又为农民,长期露天作业,烈日暴晒。唇癌的治疗,一般是根据具体部位、范围,组织学分化程度以及是否存在淋巴结转移和远处转移适病情而定。可采用外科手术+放射治疗或放疗+化疗+外科手术切除等。本组5例中均采用外科三角形切除,缺损处进行整形手术修复。常用的修复方法有以下几种:①唇组织瓣交叉转移整复法:适用于唇缺损1/2左右的整复。②颊组织瓣滑行推移修复法:根据MacFee法改良而成,适用于下唇大型缺损或全下唇缺损的修复。③胸大肌肌皮瓣修复法:适用于下唇大型缺损或全下唇缺损的修复。唇癌早期采用放射治疗或手术,效果都较好,但手术治疗仍占主要的地位。唇癌的颈淋巴结转移率 Lip cancer in 5 cases of the First People's Hospital of Jinzhong District (030600) Zhao Shoude, Cui Liqiong lip cancer in our hospital diagnosis of oral cancer in 20%. The group of 5 cases of age at onset of 50 to 70 years old, foci in the lower lip red part. 5 cases are farmers, and have a history of smoking, up to 30 years. One case in 3 cases was repeatedly bitten by the medial small lumps of lower lip. After several years of unhealed canceration, another 2 cases had chronic ulcer for a long time without healing. Pathological classification: 5 cases were squamous cell carcinoma, most of the well-differentiated cancer cells. Discussed the lipogenic factors, most scholars believe that the lips exposed to long-term exposure to sunlight, and with chronic mechanical stimulation. This group of 5 patients have a history of smoking and chronic inflammation of the stimulus, but also for farmers, long-term outdoor work, sun exposure. Lip cancer treatment, generally based on the specific location, scope, histological differentiation and the existence of lymph node metastasis and distant metastasis appropriate conditions may be. Surgery can be used + radiotherapy or radiotherapy + chemotherapy + surgical resection and so on. The group of 5 cases were treated with surgical triangle resection, defect surgery for plastic surgery. The commonly used methods of repair are the following: ① lip cross-sectional transfer of the entire complex method: suitable for about 1/2 of the whole defect of the lip defect. ② buccal tissue gliding sliding repair method: improved according to MacFee law made, suitable for large lower lip or full lower lip defect repair. ③ pectoralis major myocutaneous flap repair method: suitable for large lower lip defect or repair of the entire lower lip defect. Lip cancer early use of radiotherapy or surgery, the effect is better, but surgical treatment still occupies a major position. Cervical lymph node metastasis of lip cancer
提起我们班的小淘气,大家都哭笑不得,他做的淘气事呀,真是讲不完。有一天,李玲玲从外边跑进教室,举着一张十元钱问:“这是谁丢的钱?”小淘气马上 Mention our little naught
亲爱的儿子:你令我吃惊了!读到你娓娓道来的文字,我的心头交织着感动、惊奇、惭愧和负疚等种种感受。原来以为你总是一个懵懂顽劣的儿童,总是沉湎于卡通片 Dear son: You su